Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Recognising Maori and Pacific Island poets with Nicola Kawana and Grace Taylor
For a culture to progress - or even exist - it needs the chance to tell its stories. And Maori and Pacific performers have experienced a massive growth in the popularity of spoken word poetry - in… Audio, Gallery
Witi Ihimaera: life and influences
Witi Ihimaera - is one of the best known names in New Zealand literature - works such as Pounamu Pounamu, The Whale Rider and The Matriarch. He was the first Maori writer to publish both a book of… Audio, Gallery
Music 101 Pocket Edition194: Dictaphone Blues/Ponguru
In this week's Pocket Edition, Tony Stamp hosts Dictaphone Blues for a live session. We meet Auckland band Skilaa and a special Matariki treat from Ponguru. Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 29 June 2018
Former Māori Affairs minister Koro Wetere is farewelled at Turangawaewae Marae, Auckland commuters are now hearing te reo Māori on train services and kaumātua across the country show you're never too… Audio
Fruit trees restoring a forgotten way of life in Northland
Hundreds of citrus, feijoa, plum and apple trees are being planted in remote parts of Northland as part of a rural regeneration plan to help Ngāpuhi whānau return to a culture of living off the land.
…Māori skull returned to NZ from Cologne
A tattooed and mummified Māori skull has been returned to Te Papa by the mayor of the German city of Cologne overnight. The Cologne's Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum was holding the skull after it was… Audio
Hundreds gather for Koro Wētere's Tūrangawaewae funeral
A funeral service will be held later this morning at Ngaruawahia's Tūrangawaewae Marae for the former Māori Affairs Minister and long-serving Labour MP, Koro Wētere. Mr Wētere died on Saturday at the… Audio
The young activist devoting her life to protecting ancestral land
Former lawyer Pania Newton's mission to preserve Ihumātao – a stretch of coastal land in Mangere where the first New Zealanders planted Aotearoa's first gardens – has already taken the 27-year-old to… Video, Audio
Auckland train announcements to be made in te reo Māori
From tomorrow, thousands of Aucklanders who use the city's train services each day will hear te reo Māori on their journeys in a New Zealand first for rail commuters. Video, Audio
Kaumatua take centre stage at kapa haka festival
The living legends of kapa haka converged in Wellington over the weekend for the 10th anniversary of the kaumatua kapa haka festival. Around 500 performers in their 70s, 80s and even some in their 90s… Audio
Koro Wētere remembered for contributions to Māori and politics
The former Minister of Māori Affairs Koro Wētere is being remembered as man who put being Maori before politics. The 83-year old died on Saturday from prostate cancer. The 83-year old spent almost… Audio
Pasifika breast cancer deaths twice that of Pakeha
A Māori consultant has spoken out about the offensive and ignorant comments from hospital staff while she being treated for breast cancer. New figures show Māori and Pasifika women are almost twice as… Audio
Taa Moko Sessions: the new resident moko artists at Te Puia
Moko artists and carvers Arekatera Maihi and Jacob Tautari talk about mixing chisels with tattoo guns and their personal views on giving moko to non-Māori in the final episode of Taa Moko Sessions. Audio
Te Waonui for week endiing Friday 22 June 2018
Coming up on Te Waonui a Trade-Me ad to find a foster parent for a tamaiti frustrates iwi, calls mount to offer rongoā Māori treatments to patients, and the government intends to close down Hato… Audio
Hawkes Bay hapu finalise treaty settlement
A group of hapu, left virtually landless by the crown, have come to the end of a long battle to finalise their treaty settlement. More than four hundred people from Heretaunga Tamatea in the Hawkes… Audio
Te Arai iwi disappointed foreign buyer exemption cut
Iwi Te Uri o Hau at the border of Auckland and Northland lobbied hard for a US billionaire to be exempt from a ban on foreign speculators buying houses. They convinced Labour to put in a special… Audio
The story behind ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’
It’s one of the most recognizable lullabies – a go-to for many, ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’ has been adapted and performed by parents and professional musicians alike. But what's the real story… Video
Telling stories with Taonga pūoro
Chamber Music New Zealand is marking Matariki with unique performances in some of our Museums. Ngā taonga puoro player Alistair Fraser and double bass player Phil Boniface team up with story teller… Video, Audio
Upbeat for Thursday 21 June
Today it’s all about technology - new copyright laws for Youtube and Alexa teaches us music. Plus a live performance by Nga Taonga Puoro player Alistair Fraser and bass player Phil Boniface. Video
Oranga Tamariki sorry over Trade Me ad
Oranga Tamariki has apologised for using Trade Me in a bid to find foster parents. The child welfare agency advertised for a caregiver on the site and provided some of the child's personal information… Audio