Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Talei Morrison farewelled at emotional tangi
Hundreds of people gathered in Rotorua today to farewell Talei Morrison, who died from cervical cancer last week. Her cervical cancer social media campaign "smear your mea" went viral earlier this… Video, Audio
Fulbright Residency a ‘Polynesian nerd dream’ for Auckland rapper Coco Solid
Auckland rapper, writer and visual artist Jessica Hansell aka Coco Solid has received the 2018 Fulbright-Creative Pacific Writer’s residency. Video
Climate change effects hit Ihumātao
A South Auckland hapu whose cemetery keeps flooding is one of the many Māori communities around the country living with the effects of climate change. Te Ahi Waru and Te Akitai are said to have lived… Audio
Rongoā Māori access in healthcare urged
A terminally ill woman is calling for greater access to Maori healing methods saying they've helped to keep her alive for years longer than doctors expected. When Tanya Filia was diagnosed with brain… Audio
Law firm pledges to speak Māori to clients
A Wellington law firm is setting an ambitious goal to have all its staff members able to speak te reo Māori to its clients. Late last week Kahui Legal was the first in the country to sign up for a Reo… Audio
Hongi moves former refugees: the Tikanga Māori project
Over 450 former refugee student learners are celebrating what they've learned through a Tikanga Māori pilot project that only lasted a year. There are calls from the refugees and organisations behind… Audio, Gallery
Taa Moko Sessions: Cy Mcleod
Cy Mcloed is passionate about Kapahaka, health & fitness and moko. Justine Murray sits in on a session at his home at Mount Maunganui where he talks about how the physical demands of being a moko… Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 15 June 2018
An Auckland University student says racism is an everyday experience for Māori who live on the North Shore, Mānuka honey industry groups say the best way to protect Mānuka honey is to trademark the… Audio
Māori experience racism everyday in North Shore - study
An Auckland University student says she's been called the "n-word" and "abbo" growing up in Auckland's affluent North Shore, and that racism is an everyday experience for Māori there. Audio
Alien Weaponry's reo Māori heavy metal hits number one
It's a significant moment in Māori music history - Alien Weaponry's reo Maori heavy metal album Tū has hit number one. Tū has more than one million streams on Spotify since the album was released on… Audio
Taa Moko Sessions: Richard Francis
Richard Francis is a taa moko artist, graphic artist, teacher, painter and carver who graduated from the Māori visual arts and design school Toihoukura in 1995. Audio
Ron Nilsson: seeking the elusive South Island kōkako
For the past 30 years Ron Nilsson has been trying to get conclusive scientific existence that the South Island kokako - a bird officially listed as extinct in 2007 - is alive. Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 8 June 2018
Tologa Bay residents are being left with a big clean-up after flash flooding created a river of logs which caused major damage to homes, farms and beaches - Dargaville residents are frustrated at the… Audio
Whangarei teen performers take capital by storm
A drama project that started out life as a way to encourage more Maori students to stay on at school has arrived in the capital to rave reviews. Waiora - Te-u-kai-po or The Homeland, written by Hone… Audio
Māori, Pasifika more likely to die from bowel cancer
A new study has found Pacific and Maori people are more likely to die from bowel cancer than any other ethnic group in the country. The PIPER project, published in the New Zealand Medical Journal, is… Audio
Is Netflix the future for Maori television?
A new Māori media industry group is being lauched to ensure Māori media keeps pace with a changing world, with one young producer believing Netflix is the future. A young Maori TV producer believes… Audio
Immigration NZ 'racist' in denying visa to marae worker
The head of Awataha Marae in Auckland is stunned a former employee may have to leave the country after a decision by Immigration New Zealand that some are labelling anti-Maori. Anthony Wilson says… Audio
Poet Tayi Tibble – Poūkahangatus
Poūkahangatus is the debut collection by Victoria University International Institute of Modern Letters graduate and Adam Foundation Prize winner Tayi Tibble. Audio
BANG! Season 2 Episode 6: Takatāpui
Scholars and activists Ngahuia Te Awekotuku and Elizabeth Kerekere speak with Melody Thomas about what sex, sexuality and gender looked like in Te Ao Maori prior to colonisation, plus Rosanna Raymond… Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 1 June 2018
Coming up on Te Waonui, Hundreds gathered this week to farewell Nga Puhi rangatira Kingi Taurua, Maori lawyers and academics say the Family Court is in crisis and should not be dealing with the care… Audio