Media Releases

Displaying items 1 - 20 of 211 in total

  • Marking a year of RNZ Chinese and IndoNZ

    More than 1,200 original and translated stories have been produced and shared with audiences since the launch of RNZ Chinese and IndoNZ.

    Released 3:06 pm on 19 July 2024

  • A new one-off fund for arts and culture podcasts has been announced today

    Creative New Zealand, NZ On Air and RNZ are working together to support the development of new podcasts in response to research that shows a deficit in media coverage about arts and culture in Aotearoa.

    Released 11:47 am on 9 July 2024

  • New documentary shorts series: Turning The Tide

    Turning The Tide is a six-part documentary shorts series highlighting the issues affecting our coastal marine environment and explaining how scientists, Māori and other partners are working together to devise sustainable solutions. The series will be launched on RNZ platforms on Monday 24 June.

    Released 10:13 am on 17 June 2024

  • Mihingarangi Forbes to join Susie Ferguson on RNZ National’s popular Saturday Morning show

    Award-winning journalist and presenter Mihingarangi Forbes (Ngāti Paoa/Ngāti Maniapoto) is joining long-time RNZ presenter Susie Ferguson to co-host RNZ National’s Saturday Morning programme from August.

    Released 11:00 am on 10 June 2024

  • RNZ joins with Pacific Media Network for talent retention pilot

    RNZ and Pacific Media Network (PMN) will partner on a 12-month pilot to retain Pasifika talent in the industry and bolster coverage of Pasifika issues.  

    As part of the pilot, two Pasifika journalism graduates will join PMN for a year, with funding provided by RNZ.  

    Released 4:24 pm on 7 June 2024

  • The Adventures of Piripi Kaiwaru AKA Phillip is back for series two!

    The popular video series, The Adventures of Piripi Kaiwaru AKA Phillip is back in TAHI for series two! Across six episodes, it illustrates the daily life of Piripi – with one vital difference to other factual or reality series – it’s narrated by his mother!  

    Released 2:39 pm on 7 June 2024

  • RNZ audience research shows growing recognition of the value of public media

    RNZ’s latest survey into its performance against its strategy and Charter objectives shows New Zealanders are increasingly aware of the value of public media and appreciative of its role.  

    Released 2:03 pm on 24 May 2024

  • Monthly highlights: June

    Upcoming highlights to keep you informed of news, events and content coming to RNZ in June.

    Released 2:53 pm on 21 May 2024

  • New Podcast: Thrift

    RNZ presents Thrift, a new podcast exploring practical ways to get the most out of your money from experts as well as everyday people.

    Released 11:35 am on 17 May 2024

  • NZ Wars: Stories of Tauranga Moana Release to Coincide with Battle Anniversary

    On the morning of 29 April 1864, British colonial forces opened fire on Pukehinahina Gate Pā. This was the first engagement of a military campaign waged against the iwi of Tauranga Moana and their allies. Pukehinahina was followed by the Battle of Te Ranga, one of the bloodiest clashes of the NZ Wars, then Te Weranga the 1867 Tauranga Bush Campaign aimed to crush Māori resistance to the surveying and confiscation of lands. 

    Released 9:29 am on 23 April 2024

  • RNZ premieres new multi-media current affairs interview programme: 30 with Guyon Espiner

    RNZ launches a brand new, video-led current affairs interview programme fronted by award-winning journalist and presenter Guyon Espiner on Wednesday 17 April. Each episode focuses on just one guest and the show is unedited.

    Released 8:02 am on 12 April 2024

  • History Matters: Untold Pacific History season two explores New Zealand's role in little-known Pacific stories

    A dynamic and often provocative account of New Zealand's relationship with the Pacific. Across three episodes, season two of Untold Pacific History shines a light on three key events in the Pacific nations of Samoa, Niue and Rarotonga that have been little told in Aotearoa and the extraordinary stories that resulted.  

    Released 11:45 am on 9 April 2024

  • First RNZ Asia scholarship recipients announced

    A new RNZ scholarship programme, established with support from NZ On Air, that aims to reduce the financial burden associated with a postgraduate degree in journalism for students of Asian heritage has its first recipients, with Nabeelah Khan (of Fiji-Indian descent) and Chengqi (Mavis) Ye (of Chinese descent) set to receive up to $8000 for payment of one year’s fees and a two-week internship/work experience at RNZ. 

    Released 11:11 am on 5 April 2024

  • Being prepared – RNZ introduces new Emergency Planning Manager role

    RNZ has established a new role dedicated to ensuring RNZ is prepared for emergency events and to deliver emergency broadcasts. 

    Released 1:37 pm on 12 March 2024

  • New from Kirsty Johnston. Nellie’s Baby: An asylum, an adoption, and a search for the truth

    Sarah is born in a psychiatric hospital, taken by the state and adopted to a new family in secret. By the time she tracks her birth mother down, it is too late: Nellie has died in suspicious circumstances, and Sarah is left with nothing but questions. 

    Released 10:15 am on 11 March 2024

  • High Profile Business and Personal Finance Journalist Susan Edmunds Joins RNZ

    A true love for helping people understand their finances and providing information that is accessible without being condescending is what drives RNZ’s new Money Correspondent, financial journalist Susan Edmunds.  


    Released 2:41 pm on 4 March 2024

  • New podcast: Voice of Tangaroa

    What do we really know about our oceans? Ninety-three percent of New Zealand's territory is salt water. Eighty percent of our biodiversity is in our seas. And yet the ocean is mostly out of sight, out of mind – we understand little about our big blue backyard.

    Released 9:24 am on 23 February 2024

  • RNZ and Mediaworks to collaborate

    A content sharing agreement between RNZ and MediaWorks comes into effect this week, with RNZ news stories available to run on MediaWorks radio stations and MediaWorks sports content soon to be available for use on RNZ’s channels.   

    Released 3:00 pm on 21 February 2024

  • Anika Moa gets personal in her new podcast

    Beloved musician and broadcaster Anika Moa finally has her own podcast, It’s Personal with Anika Moa. Across 12 episodes she speaks to notable New Zealanders about life’s tough lessons and how they’ve coped with big challenges. It’s entertaining, it’s emotional, and above all – it’s personal.

    Released 10:12 am on 13 February 2024

  • Programme and schedule updates for RNZ National

    RNZ National listeners can expect to hear some changes on the station next month with the introduction of a refreshed afternoons and evening schedule from 26 February. The most significant change is Checkpoint moving to a two-hour programme from 4pm, followed by The Panel at 6pm. It has also been announced that Susie Ferguson will be permanent host for Saturday Morning.

    Released 2:00 pm on 31 January 2024

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