Media Releases

Displaying items 81 - 100 of 239 in total

  • International Recognition for RNZ

    Three RNZ podcasts have won awards at the prestigious New York Festivals Radio Awards, presented today in an online ceremony hosted from New York.

    Released 11:37 am on 13 October 2021

  • RNZ connects with more New Zealanders with strong online growth

    Fresh figures show that RNZ continues to attract new audiences, thriving as a multi-platform media organisation. The overall audience growth in recent months has been driven by trusted quality journalism, particularly on

    Released 1:00 pm on 24 September 2021

  • RNZ Welcomes Public Media Announcement

    Radio New Zealand Chairman, Dr. Jim Mather, has welcomed the appointment of a  Governance Group to lead the next phase of work on a potential new public media entity for Aotearoa New Zealand.

    Released 11:21 am on 31 March 2021

  • RNZ 2021: New and Coming Soon

    RNZ's regular on-air schedule resumes next Monday 25 January, after a month of summer programming.

    In 2020, more New Zealanders than ever tuned in to RNZ on-air and online*, continuing to enhance RNZ’s reputation as a leading multi-platform media service. 

    Released 10:00 am on 18 January 2021

  • Henare te Ua – RNZ Māori Journalism Internship Te Karahipi a Henare te Ua

    Te Aorewa Rolleston (Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Ranginui) is the recipient of the 2020   Henare te Ua Māori Journalism Internship established by Radio New Zealand to support Te reo Māori and foster Māori journalism. 

    Released 1:55 pm on 17 November 2020

  • RNZ Breaks Radio Industry Survey Records

    RNZ National has become the first New Zealand radio station to record more than 700,000 different listeners each week in a nationwide GfK radio industry survey.*

    Released 12:44 pm on 15 October 2020

  • Comprehensive multi-platform election coverage from RNZ's trusted team

    Election 2020 will see RNZ providing the most comprehensive and innovative general election coverage ever delivered to audiences across its multimedia networks.  

    Released 12:13 pm on 18 September 2020

  • RNZ to Expand Local Democracy Reporting Programme

    Radio New Zealand (RNZ) is seeking applications from New Zealand media organisations who are keen to join the Local Democracy Reporting (LDR) programme.

    Released 9:56 am on 3 September 2020

  • RNZ Chair Welcomes New Board Appointees

    RNZ Chairman, Dr. Jim Mather, has welcomed the appointment of former NZ On Air CEO, Jane Wrightson, as a Governor on the Board of Radio New Zealand and the involvement of Mihimaraea Parata Gardiner as an observer on the Board under the State Services Commission Future Directors programme.

    Released 11:48 am on 24 August 2020

  • Attacks on Public Media are an Attack on Democracy

    Media Release from Global Task Force for public media

    In early June, Facebook announced that it had begun labelling content originating from state-controlled media organisations. This is the most recent manifestation of an ongoing discussion about the distinction between state and public media organisations that is vitally important for citizens of democracies worldwide.

    Released 12:17 pm on 12 August 2020

  • The Service: Cold War spy secrets revealed: SIS and MI6 raided Czech embassy in Wellington

    A new five-part RNZ podcast series, The Service, launched today, reveals that New Zealand’s security intelligence agency, the SIS, carried out multiple clandestine raids, breaking into foreign embassies in Wellington in the latter part of the 1980s, in breach of the Vienna convention.  

    Released 8:16 am on 8 June 2020

  • Voyager Media Awards Recognise RNZ Journalism

    RNZ excellence in journalism has been recognised at the prestigious Voyager Media Awards announced this evening. The annual awards celebrate the very best in print, digital and broadcast journalism on all media platforms across New Zealand.

    Released 6:08 pm on 22 May 2020

  • Public Media Alliance - Global Task Force - Public media serving in the time of a pandemic

    The Global Task Force (GTF) is a group of seven leaders of major public service media from around the world.   The GTF was formed to develop a consensus and single strong voice around the issues and challenges facing public media worldwide.

    Released 11:52 am on 24 April 2020

  • ANZAC Commemorative Service #StandAtDawn

    Join RNZ to commemorate ANZAC Day from your bubble.

    ANZAC Day is one of New Zealand’s most important national events. This year, for the first time, services across New Zealand have been cancelled but Kiwis can still pay their respects at dawn from their own homes. 

    Released 1:59 pm on 22 April 2020

  • RNZ Public Media Services Update

    As New Zealand's Lifeline Utility radio broadcaster, RNZ is required to maintain essential public information channels and news during times of national emergency and we are committed to supporting all New Zealanders during these challenging times. 

    Released 3:59 pm on 24 March 2020

  • RNZ Board Welcomes FM Frequency Opportunity

    The Board of RNZ today welcomed the Government’s decision to look at freeing up an additional FM transmission frequency and to explore funding options for a multi-media music brand.

    Released 11:00 am on 17 February 2020

  • Local Democracy Reporting Service Takes Off

    New Zealand media organisations are invited to apply to receive content from a $1m pilot scheme aimed at boosting the reporting of local democracy issues across the country. The Local Democracy Reporting (LDR) service announced earlier this year, now has eight reporters employed by eight host newsrooms around the country.

    Released 3:26 pm on 3 December 2019

  • Continued Audience Growth For RNZ Across All Platforms

    RNZ audiences continue to grow in an uncertain and changing New Zealand media environment.

    Released 12:59 pm on 28 November 2019

  • Two Wins for RNZ at International Media Awards

    RNZ’s reporting of the Christchurch terror attacks, and the podcast Gone Fishing, have won awards at the prestigious 2019 Association for International Broadcasting (AIBs) gala dinner held in London.


    Released 10:24 am on 8 November 2019

  • RNZ presents the dramatic and powerful NZ Wars: Stories of Waitara

    Created and presented by award-winning journalist Mihingarangi Forbes, NZ Wars: Stories of Waitara documents the epic battle for control over the fertile lands of Taranaki.

    Released 9:49 am on 25 October 2019

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