1:10 First song

1:15 Big Buddy embracing influx of millennial volunteers

Lots of children are brought up without their father playing an active role in their life - whether by choice, or by circumstance.

And that's why organisations like Big Buddy exist: to provide children with a strong, positive male role model in their lives.

Generally you think of Big Buddies as being older gentlemen - maybe whose own kids have flown the coop - who want to make a difference in someone's life.

But, interestingly, there's been a bit of a demographic shift in recent years.

We're joined by Isaac Vivian and Nat Milnes ... two Big Buddy mentors, both in their early 20s.

Little Buddy Daniel and Big Buddy Isaac

Little Buddy Daniel and Big Buddy Isaac Photo: Supplied/Big Buddy

1:25 Stuffed - a documentary looking at the weird world of taxidermy

The New Zealand International Film Festival is on at the moment ... and if you're looking for a quirky documentary to get into, Erin Derham has JUST THE TICKET

Erin is the director of STUFFED - a film about the weird and wonderful world of TAXIDERMY

Its first showing is at Wellington's Penthouse cinema next Saturday, so Erin joins us on the line to chat about it.

"Stuffed" - a documentary showing at the New Zealand International Film Festival

"Stuffed" - a documentary showing at the New Zealand International Film Festival Photo: Supplied/NZIFF

1:35 Vegetarian fish, microbes, and the secret to sensational sourdough

How does one go from being a microbiologist looking at how to grow vegetarian fish to owning a bakery specialising in exotic sourdough breads?

Isabel Pasch from the Bread and Butter Bakery and Cafe is here to tell us a bit about her story, microbes, and what happens when delicious sourdough lands in your belly


Sourdough Photo: RNZ

1:40 Great album

2:10 Film Review

Ali Ventura reviews Spider-Man: Far From Home 

2:20 NZ Live: Leisure

Today we've got one of the burgeoning superstars of the NZ music scene, the five members of Auckland band Leisure. 

They're just about to release their sophomore album, Twister, which is out in exactly a week, before embarking on a tour of New Zealand and Australia. They perform in our Auckland studio.

Leisure - in for NZ Live at RNZ

Leisure - in for NZ Live at RNZ Photo: Credit Andre Upston

3:10 Food with Julie Biuso 

We're giving some love to the humble parsnip today with chef and food writer Julie Biuso. She shares one of  her favourite side dish recipes, roasted parsnips with garlic and parmesan. You can find the full recipe here

3:20 Weekend tips: Car Maintenance 

It's Friday so we thought we'd look into activities you can do over the weekend at home. DIY Car maintenance is something people often steer clear of if they're not an expert. But a lot basic car repairs can be done yourself. 

Rod Gibson is mechanic with many years' experience in the industry, he joins us to walk us through what can be DIYed and what needs to be left to the professionals. 

Car engine, vehicle maintenance, vehicle parts

Photo: 123RF

3:25 Critter of the Week: Herbivorous alpine beetle

This week's critter is the Protodendrophagus antipodes or Herbivorous alpine beetle. Up until recently this beetle was thought to be rare then it was found somewhere unexpected - living an alpine existence along much of the length of the South Island mountains. 

3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question

4:05 The Panel with Sally Wenley and Jerome Chandrahasen