1:15 Business supporting Māori landowners to plant more natives

Tāmata Hauhā is a business with a unique strategy for replanting native forestry and supporting Maori landowners.

The organisation works with Māori landowners all over New Zealand to plant trees on marginal country that is too steep or erosion prone for farming.

They celebrated their first birthday on Tuesday with the opening of a new premises in Marton, Rangitīkei.

Tāmata Hauhā's chief executive Blair Jamieson talks to Jesse.

Regenerating native vegetation that will be enhanced with additional native planting. It will be permanently reserved as part of this project to further protect the waterways and riparian zones.

Photo: Aratu Forests

1:25 Challenges facing cafes across Aotearoa

When you need your morning cuppa, where do you prefer to go: your local quirky cafe or a well-established franchise?

With homegrown cafe franchises continuing to grow and the arrival of global brands over the past couple of decades, New Zealand is perhaps more saturated with coffee haunts than ever.

So, how hard is it for an independent cafe right now?

Mike Murphy, managing director of Kōkako Organic Coffee Roasters talks to Jesse about what's happening.

Barista preparing a cappuccino

Barista preparing a cappuccino Photo: 123RF

1:35 JJ Fong's role in 'Wellmania'.

New Zealand actor JJ Fong would be the first to say that she loves fitness and staying active. 

But faecal purges, strange diets, doing a spin class until you hurl and some of the other so called health remedies offered by the wellness industry,  that's another story. 

JJ is best known for her roles on Shortland Street, Go Girls and the  dystopian TV series Creamerie.

Now, she plays the best friend of a woman who will try anything to get really healthy, really fast  in a new Netflix series called Wellmania. JJ speaks to Jesse.

JJ Fong

JJ Fong Photo: South Pacific Pictures

1:45 Great album:  Lana Del Rey's newest album, due out tomorrow

This week's link 3 winner will receive a copy of Lana Del Rey's latest album, due out tomorrow, Did You Know There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd.

Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd

Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd Photo: By https://music.apple.com/nz/album/did-you-know-that-theres-a-tunnel-under-ocean-blvd/1655349115, Fair use

2:10 Music Critic: Matthew Crawley

Today Matthew talks to Jesse about music from Kurt Vile and a new local band, Ringlets.

2:25 NZ Sporting History: John Munro on his father Burt's motorcycling success.

For this week's sporting history we're looking back at the legendary achievements of world famous motorcycling Southlander Burt Munro.

His hobby turned him into an international sensation when he broke the world speed record, three times, on the Bonnneville Salt Flats in the U.s. One of his records, set when he was 68, still stands today.

Burt's son, John Munro joins Jesse to talk about his father's life and legacy, which is still celebrated in the South.

Burt Munro in Invercargill in 1962 preparing to pack up the Indian inside it’s Streamliner to send to Bonneville. Also pictured: a young Neville Hayes, now the Managing Director of E Hayes and Sons Invercargill, and the owner of Burt’s Indian

Burt Munro in Invercargill in 1962 preparing to pack up the Indian inside it’s Streamliner to send to Bonneville. Also pictured: a young Neville Hayes, now the Managing Director of E Hayes and Sons Invercargill, and the owner of Burt’s Indian Photo: E Hayes Motorworks Collection

3:10 Link 3

3:15 Solving the World's Problems with Steve Wyn-Harris

Today Steve Wyn-Harris talks to Jesse about hanging up his gumboots and enjoying retirement after a 40 year long farming career. He's got a succession plan in place and talks about the the changes he's seen since he embarked on his farming work four decades ago.

Steve Wyn-Harris

Steve Wyn-Harris Photo: Steve Wyn-Harris

3:20 History with Dr Grant Morris: The history of NZ's universities bookstores 

 Vicbooks in Wellington closes this week. The loss of Victoria University of Wellington’s famous bookstore will be felt by many Wellingtonians.  But why are university bookstores so important?  Dr Grant Morris explores the history of university bookstores in NZ.

Vic Books

Photo: vicbooks.co.nz

3:35 Spoken Feature BBC Witness

In June 1962 three prisoners escaped from the maximum security US jail on the island of Alcatraz. They achieved this using a homemade raft, papier-mâché and spoons.

In 2013, Ashley Byrne spoke to Jolene Babyak who was living on the island at the time.

Alcatraz escape

Alcatraz escape Photo: bbc.co.uk

3:45 The Panel with Verity Johnson and Conor English