The Aotearoa History Show

Deep dive into a rigorous romp through the history of New Zealand, from its volcanic beginnings, through settlement, wars and social change to the late 20th century.

Hosted by William Ray, Leigh-Marama McLachlan and Māni Dunlop

A podcast cover for "The Aotearoa History Show" features the title written in colorful, chalk-like letters on a blackboard background. The words "THE" and "AOTEAROA" are in light blue, "HISTORY" is in pink, and "SHOW" is in green with green chalk lines radiating outwards.

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All episodes:

Prehistoric New Zealand

Season 1 / Episode 1
Before people there was the land. We start the story of New Zealand 100 million years ago as tectonic forces tear apart Gondwana and Zealandia/Te Riu-a-Maiu is formed.
New Zealand dinosaur, 1:Prehistoric New Zealand, The Aotearoa History Show

Tangata Whenua

Season 1 / Episode 2
Around 850 years ago Polynesian explorers found an empty land and the story of people in Aotearoa began. A new culture emerged; tangata whenua had arrived and started to thrive.
Innovations in ocean-going waka led Polynesians to Aotearoa

Early Encounters

Season 1 / Episode 3
Abel Tasman and James Cook's first contacts with Māori were complex and sometimes violent. Europeans brought new technologies, food and ideas, such as muskets, potatoes and Christianity. In some cases this worked out well for Tangata Whenua - but in other cases it was devastating.
Maori on shore witness the arrival of European ships. Animation by Chris Maguren

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Season 1 / Episode 4
In Europe, factions debated the future of Aotearoa, while Māori had their own ideas how to handle the growing number of Pākehā here. In the end, Te Tiriti o Waitangi was signed, but the early promise leads ultimately to war.
Choosing our first flag in 1834. Animation by Chris Maguren

New Zealand Wars (Part 1)

Season 1 / Episode 5
Hunger for land and the rise of Kingitanga prompted Governor George Grey to invade Waikato in 1863. Fighting spread over years and into the Bay of Plenty, devastating Maori. But it was not as one-sided as the British had expected.
Waikato Maori proved stiff opposition for British troops. Animation by Chris Maguren

New Zealand Wars (Part 2)

Season 1 / Episode 6
As British troops leave, settler militia enter the fray. Some Māori chose to fight alongside the Crown while others join new religious movements, which seem to promise a way out of the conflict.
The rise of Maori religious movements sought unity but created tensions

Votes, Depressions & Refrigerators

Season 1 / Episode 7
After the wars, politicians had to figure out how to run the new country. Bold choices saw huge spending on infrastructure, the right of women to vote and the start of refrigeration, helping us out of The Long Depression. A new politics arose but old values remained.
Julius Vogel borrows to fund his Grand Go-Ahead Policy

Colonists & Courts

Season 1 / Episode 8
Through the final quarter of the 19th Century Pakeha settler numbers swelled. The immigrants sought land and started to create a new, distinct culture. But their land gain came at the cost of Maori, as new laws and courts changed ownership patterns. Plus, the story of Parihaka.
Most European immigrants to New Zealand came for the dream of land. Animation by Chris Maguren

The First World War

Season 1 / Episode 9
It's the war that claimed more New Zealand lives than any other. It's also the event that's often claimed as the "foundational moment" where we "became a nation". But is that really true? In this episode we take a dive into the First World War. Why we fought, what it cost us, and its long-term effects on Kiwi identity.
Māori back home.

Boom & Bust

Season 1 / Episode 10
With World War I and the flu epidemic past, the good times rolled through the 1920s. Then came the bust of the Great Depression, prompting widespread poverty - that was worse for some - and the rise of the first Labour government.
Our economy.

The Second World War

Season 1 / Episode 11
A second world war swept the globe, dragging New Zealand once more onto the battlefield, this time in the Pacific as well as Europe. In the likes of Crete, Greece and North Africa and on Pacific islands Kiwis served and died. At home, women joined those in reserved occupations to support the war effort until finally the Axis powers were defeated.
NZ soldiers on Crete watch the approach of German bombers. Animation by Chris Maguren.

Post-War New Zealand

Season 1 / Episode 12
After the war came a new quest for security and identity. With it came new political debates and alliances. Maori and Pasifika moved to the cities. The way we viewed ourselves as a nation was changing.
After World War II New Zealand had one of the biggest baby booms in the world. Animation by Chris Maguren

Decades of Change

Season 1 / Episode 13
The 60s, 70s and 80s were rowdy decades. Kiwis were getting out in the streets and raising their voices about the rights of Māori, women and LGBT people, nuclear energy, the environment. Plus the most controversial sporting event in our history: The 1981 Springbok Tour.
The New Zealand economy of the 1960s and 70s was heavily protected

Modern New Zealand

Season 1 / Episode 14
It's the final episode of the Aotearoa History Show! Rogernomics, Ruthanasia and the referendum on MMP saw the total restructuring of our economy and voting system. Plus a snapshot of the changing demographics of Aotearoa/New Zealand, the growth of dairy and tourism and the challenges still to come.
The 4th Labour government's reforms re-shaped the New Zealand economy. Animation by Chris Maguren.

The Aotearoa History Show

RNZ presents The Aotearoa History Show - this time as an audio only podcast!
William Ray and Leigh-Marama McLachlan on the Aoteatoa History Show episode one