Are We There Yet?

Parenting is tough. Katy Gosset and psychologist Catherine Gallagher help you navigate the highs and lows of raising great kids today.

Presented by Katy Gosset

A podcast cover for "Are we there yet?" With a colourful illustration featuring a family in one corner, a boy in the opposite corner and a girl below.

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All episodes:

Are we there yet?

Season 1 / Episode 1
Katy Gosset introduces a new series on the Pleasures, Pratfalls and Practical Lessons of Parenting in the Modern World.
A close up of a child holding and adult's hand

Talk to the hand!

Season 1 / Episode 2
What to do when your child talks back. Katy Gosset talks to parents and a child psychologist about "oppositional behaviour" and tackling the 'tude.
Photo of a mother and an angry child

How to avoid dinner table dramas

Season 1 / Episode 3
Did your delicious dinner get the "Yuck!" treatment? Katy Gosset talks to families about fussy eating and a clinical psychologist serves up some tips.
girl child fussy eater eating

Rage against the machine

Season 1 / Episode 4
Phones, tablets, laptops, whatever the device, your children will want to get their hands on it. Katy Gosset tackles the struggle against screen time.
A photo of three children on a couch, all using multiple devices

Halting the harm

Season 1 / Episode 5
In an increasingly anxious world, some young people are turning to self- harm. Katy Gosset asks a clinical psychologist how to cope with cutting.
A photo of an upset teenager sitting slumped in a dark corner

The B word

Season 1 / Episode 6
School thugs or spiteful secrets - whatever form of bullying they face, children need help. Katy Gosset talks to a clinical psychologist about beating the bullies.
A photo of a girl sitting on her own on the floor of a classroom while all around her other pupils appear to be ignoring her.

Bigger than the baby blues

Season 1 / Episode 7
Life changes don't come much bigger than having a baby. But with the excitement comes stress. Katy Gosset looks at coping with a new baby.
No caption

Beating an eating disorder

Season 1 / Episode 8
What are our children eating ? And what if they're actually not eating much at all ? Katy Gosset talks to parents about the rise of eating disorders.
A photo of a girl eating only an apple for dinner

Dad dilemmas

Season 1 / Episode 9
Changing roles, gender stereotypes and being the only bloke at the coffee morning. Katy Gosset looks at the pressures on modern dads.
A photo of a father and son riding on a  skateboard playing on the road at the day time.

Ready for bed

Season 1 / Episode 10
Why won't my child go to bed ? What if she wakes in the night ? And what about nightmares ? Katy Gosset explores the battleground known as bedtime.
A photo of a father and daughter sleeping in bed

Degrees of separation

Season 1 / Episode 11
When a couple breaks up it's hard for everyone, but Katy Gosset finds parents can help ease the pain for their children by putting them first.
A photo of a boy with a paper cut out family holding hands

Grow a brain

Season 1 / Episode 12
How can we best help our children grow and develop, without losing sight of who they actually are? Katy Gosset talks to parents and a clinical psychologist about the R&D of child rearing.
A photo of a toddler playing with blocks