
For most New Zealanders, political violence has always been something that happens in another country. Now, as we embark upon an election campaign, it's a clear and present danger in Aotearoa.

Presented by Susie Ferguson

A promotional image for "UNDERCURRENT: Misinformation in Aotearoa" shows a collage of ocean waves with fragmented text overlays. The main title is in bold, pixelated white font. Quotes about the impacts of misinformation are scattered throughout in cyan text boxes.

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All episodes:

The Landscape

Episode 1
What does the misinformation problem look and sound like? And how big of a deal is it in Aotearoa, really?
Undercurrent, episode 1

The Gateway

Episode 2
For people drawn in by seemingly benign mis or dis-information, things can escalate quickly with conspiracy theories and violent rhetoric.
Undercurrent episode 2 thumbnail

Natural-Born Skeptics

Episode 3
Two people share their stories about being a part of the networks of mis- and disinformation. How they got there, what they found, and what frightens them most now.
Undercurrent episode 3 thumbnail

Husbands, Brothers, Friends

Episode 4
The people who live with, love - and sometimes fear - the angriest voices in the disinformation community.
Undercurrent episode 4 thumbnail

Muddying the Water

Episode 5
Has misinformation infected mainstream politics in New Zealand? And if it has, what would that mean for our democracy?
Golriz Ghahraman and Nicola Willis


Episode 6
How to spot misinformation - and some ideas for dealing with it.
Undercurrent episode 6 thumbnail

The Endgame

Episode 7
Yes, there really are reasons to believe society will not be overwhelmed by misinformation.
Undercurrent episode 7 thumbnail

Ballot Box

Bonus episode
How the 2023 election campaign is being shaped by the surge in misinformation.

Introducing: Undercurrent

For most New Zealanders, political violence is something that happens in other countries. But now, in an a election year, it's a clear and present danger.
A promotional image for "UNDERCURRENT: Misinformation in Aotearoa" shows a collage of ocean waves with fragmented text overlays. The main title is in bold, pixelated white font. Quotes about the impacts of misinformation are scattered throughout in cyan text boxes. With the RNZ logo.