Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Dr Haare Williams on the life of Te Kooti
Dr Haare Williams looks at why the 19th-century Māori prophet Te Kooti (founder of the Ringatu Faith) was both revered and reviled. Audio
Te Waonui a TMK for 23 March 2018
The Ōtaki's Maoriland Film Festival is achieving what the tinsel town of Hollywood can't - and that's to promote films by women and about indigenous peoples, Home Fires, an creative research project… Audio
Inspiring rangatahi to fly to the United Nations
They're young, passionate and the future Māori leaders of their generation, and they're heading to New York for the United Nations Indigenous Permanent forum. Audio
Fifth annual Māoriland Film Festival kicks off
While Hollywood is wrestling with gender equality and representation of minorities in the film industry, the small New Zealand town of Otaki is carving the way.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei remember rangatira who signed Te Tiriti
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei are this morning marking the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi by their chief on this day 178 years. Not long after the signing of Te Tiriti in Manukau, Apihai… Audio
Māori narratives used to heal mentally ill
A health clinic in Gisborne is using Maori myths and legends to heal their mentally-ill patients and researchers say there's been a dramatic drop in the number of people referred to psychiatric care… Audio
Minginui gets $5.8 million injection to help jobless
A tiny Bay of Plenty village has been given a big boost to expand its nursery and help drive jobs, but will it be enough to help the community overcome economic and social hardships? Audio
Maori children in school
A report out on the experiences of Maori children at school says more has to be done to save them from isolation. The report's from the Commissioner for Children and the School Trustees Association. Audio
Huggies removes inappropriate Māori names from website
Huggies, the multinational company known mostly for making nappies, has removed an online list of Māori baby names after several complaints from a Māori cultural adviser, Karaitiana Taiuru, that they… Audio
Wellingtonians have their say on Māori signage
Bilingual signs and Māori place names look likely to become more prominent in Wellington as the council makes progress on its promise to make te reo Māori more visible around the city. Public… Audio
Vulnerable transient population the size of Hamilton
New research shows roughly 150,000 people are considered to be 'vulnerable transient' - a burgeoning trend that Auckland Action Against Poverty is calling a national emergency. The country's housing… Audio
Māori students want more than 'tokenistic' haka
Māori students are calling for more cultural education in their schooling rather than only "tokenistic" haka performances. That's been revealed in the 'Education matters to me' report, which has been… Audio
Hamilton mayor wants council's name changed to Kirikiriroa
Hamilton locals are divided over whether their council should be renamed Kirikiriroa City Council in recognition of its Māori heritage, but the decision will come down to councillors. John Boynton… Video, Audio
Harawira Pearless on finding battle sites
As the first national commemoration of the 19th century New Zealand Wars takes place in Te Tai Tokerau, Te Ahi Kaa features highlights of a discussion with historian Harawira Pearless on his… Audio
Shannon Haunui-Thompson on NZ Wars commemorations
For the first time there have been official services and events held to mark historical Maori conflict and NZ land wars. Te Mana Korihi Editor Shannon Haunui-Thompson talks tbout the commemorations. Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 9 March 2018
More than two hundred people gathered at Manuka Point in the Chatham Islands to lay to rest the last remaining officer of the 28th Māori Battalion and Auckland iwi Ngāti Whāatua Ōrākei is taking the… Audio
Ruapehu iwi formalise role as guardians of the environment
The ancestral lands of three Ruapehu iwi were once stripped from Māori by the Crown in 1865, but today the iwi have official oversight of their whenua.
Ngāti Rangi to sign treaty settlement deed
The iwi which stretches from the southern slopes of Mt Ruapehu to Waiouru, Ohakune and Taihape, will receive $17 million in compensation. Te Manu Korihi reporter John Boynton reports. Audio
Media company aims to create Māori Siri
Many tamariki speak Māori at school, at home or on the marae but one iwi media organisation is determined to see them speak Māori on their devices too.
73-year-old can now visit dentist for the first time
A 73-year-old says she'll now be able to see the dentist for the first time instead of pulling out her own teeth after Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei announced plans to provide free private health insurance for… Video, Audio