Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Call for Jacinda Ardern to bury placenta at Waitangi
Tamaki Makaurau MP Peeni Henare suggested the PM's baby's pito whenua, or placenta, should be buried at Waitangi - which would tie Jacinda Ardern, her whanau, and her baby to Ngapuhi forever. Video, Audio
Jacinda Ardern makes history at Waitangi
Jacinda Ardern today became the first female Prime Minister to speak during the formal proceedings at Waitangi. Her speech touched on her hopes for her child, and her hopes for the future of… Video, Audio
Māori Wardens 'carry tupuna on our shoulders' - Frances Mahanga
At Waitangi, Mihingarangi Forbes speaks to Māori Warden Frances Mahanga, who says in her role she carries her tupuna, her ancestors, on her shoulders as she accompanies the country's prime ministers.
…Marama Davidson vies for Greens co-leadership
Marama Davidson has thrown her hat in the ring to become a co-leader of the Green Party. The role of female co-leader has been vacant since Metiria Turei stood down before last year's election. Marama… Audio
Pakeha mood on Te Tiriti o Waitangi - from anger to curiosity
At this time of year in towns all over the country, groups of new New Zealanders - often older generations - sign up for workshops to find out more about the Treaty of Waitangi. For decades now… Audio
Peeni Henare at Waitangi: 'We need to work hard'
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she's had very positive talks in Waitangi but Labour needs to show it can deliver. She says she feels the weight of the expectation. RNZ Maori issues correspondent… Audio
Waitangi: Jacinda Ardern visit makes history
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will be formally welcomed at Waitangi on Monday morning, along with a Parliamentary delegation made up of MPs from Labour, National, New Zealand First and the Greens… Video, Audio
Ardern wants 'transparent relationships' with Māori
The Prime Minister is half-way through her extended stay in Waitangi and this morning she'll be formally welcomed at Te Whare Runanga Marae on the treaty grounds. Jacinda Ardern's five day visit is… Audio
Waitangi Day: Pita Paraone outlines commemoration plans
Dignitaries, politicians and the public have started arriving at Waitangi ahead of the official day of national commemoration tomorrow. MPs from all parties will be welcomed onto the upper marae, Te… Audio
He Korowai Trust's mission to make a difference
He Korowai Trust in Kaitaia established Whare Ora, a rent-to-own housing scheme that has benefited a dozen families, and this year will launch a Māori Trade Training Academy. Te Ahi Kaa has a kōrero… Audio
PM Jacinda Ardern presses flesh at Waitangi
Dignitaries, politicians and the public have started piling into Waitangi ahead of the official day of national celebration on Tuesday. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is spending five days at Waitangi… Audio
Your guide to Waitangi Day concerts
Some of the best Māori musicians are playing free gigs this Waitangi Day. Here's our handy guide to who is performing where. Video
Te Waonui for week endingh Friday 2 February 2018
The government has finally inspected the flagpole site that kicked off the northern wars; Ancestral remains have been returned to representatives of the Pacific island of Rapa Nui and Two South Island… Audio
Baby jokes and iwi leaders greet PM at Waitangi
Jacinda Ardern was welcomed on her first visit to Waitangi as prime minister with baby jokes and a warm reception from prominent iwi leaders. Te Manu Korihi reporter Shannon Haunui-Thompson reports. Audio
Dr Rob Whitbourne: Going Bush
As a DoC ranger, and Kaitakawaenga doing conservation work on Maori land in the North Island, Dr Rob Whitbourne has hands-on experience of the local environment. After spending much of his life… Audio
Jacinda Ardern starts five days in Waitangi
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern starts her five day trip to Northland with a meeting with iwi leaders on Friday. Ms Ardern along with some of her cabinet ministers will hold a hui with the Iwi Chairs… Audio
Tuai: A Traveller in Two Worlds
Alison Jones talks to Kathryn Ryan about very early Maori and Pakeha relations, at a time when migration was pretty much under Maori control. Tuai: A Traveller in Two Worlds is the true story of one… Audio
Racism against Māori, Pasifika in schools revealed
Disturbing complaints by students about racism in schools have emerged in a new report published today. Students say they suffered from racial stereotypes and low expectations from teachers, as well… Audio
Rapa Nui skulls returned home from NZ museums
Ancestral remains have been returned to representatives of the Pacific island of Rapa Nui at a ceremony near Christchurch at the weekend. The skulls have been in the possession of the Canterbury and… Audio