Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Hundreds gather for Hone Heke flagstaff anniversary
Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy is the guest of honour this morning at a ceremony on a famous hill top in the Bay of Islands. It's 160 years since the Northern chiefs replaced the flagstaff at… Audio
Jacinda Ardern: Waitangi visit signals a fresh start
After a reasonably positive reception at Ratana, Jacinda Ardern is heading to Waitangi on Thursday, for her first visit as Prime Minister. In an unprecedented move the Labour leader will be spending… Audio
Ngāti Hine: a whānau approach to promote change
Te Ahi Kaa visits Northland's largest Māori organisation for an insight into how its workers are tackling social and health problems in the region. Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 26 January 2018
The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern received a warm welcome at Ratana Pa this week, some Maori are demanding greater clarity about how the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific… Audio
Govt announces work initiative for unemployed youth
Later today the Government will reveal details of a new initiative to get the young unemployed into work. New Zealand First's Shane Jones ruffled a few feathers recently when he suggested a work for… Audio
Rātana: Q & A with the PM and Rangatahi
At Rātana this week Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern stole the headlines after she was given a special place to speak on the paepae and received the offer of a new name, Waru, for her new baby.
Ratana teenagers hold private Q+A with Prime Minister
A group of teenagers held a behind the scenes question and answer session with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Te Aniwa Hurihanganui was the only reporter present. Audio
TPP: Māori call for clarity over Treaty of Waitangi clause
Some Māori are demanding greater clarity about how the revised Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will affect the government's Treaty of Waitangi obligations. Two years ago there were huge protests… Audio
Student leaders gather ahead of Polyfest
Nearly 100 student leaders gathered in South Auckland today to set the tone, after fights outside the event last year overshadowed the successes onstage, and dominated media coverage. Video, Audio
PM gifted baby’s name during Ratana visit
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern received a warm welcome at Ratana today, where she was gifted a name for her baby. Mihingarangi Forbes reports. Video, Audio
Māori Battalion exhibition reveals voices from the past
A trove of historic recordings of waiata, haka and speeches from the day the 28th Māori Battalion arrived home from war is online for the first time.
28th Māori Battalion showcased in new exhibition
Waiata, haka and speeches from the day the 28th Māori Battalion arrived home from the Second World War have been put online for the first time. Some of the descendants of the soldiers congregated in… Audio
Māori Party's smaller presence at Rātana celebrations
The Rātana stage is set and this morning the country's politicians will descend on the small community near Whanganui to celebrate the birthday of the Māori prophet and spiritual leader Tahupotiki… Audio
Ratana marks beginning of political year
Politicians will arrive at Ratana Pa near Whanganui tomorrow to celebrate the birthday of T W Ratana, the faith leader and prophet. Mihingarangi Forbes talks to John Campbell from Ratana. Audio
Why Jacinda Ardern's Waitangi visit could make history
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will spend more than five days at Waitangi this year. She is expected to speak during the formal welcome - a move that will set her apart from former female leaders… Audio
Govt kept mum on settlement announcement due to Xmas
The government delayed its announcement of a big payment to two iwi because it did not want to be accused of burying it before Christmas, Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little says. Audio
Māori football teams win indigenous clash
At the weekend the Aotearoa Māori football sides were able to clinch the inaugural Clash of Cultures series against their Australian First Nation Mariya rivals in Auckland. Both the Māori men's and… Audio
Govt pays $370m to Ngāi Tahu, Tainui Treaty settlements
A relativity clause in Ngāi Tahu and Tainui's Treaty settlements means the government is likely to make further big payments to them as more iwi settle their claims. It was revealed yesterday the… Audio
Govt pays extra $370m in treaty settlements
The government has paid an additional $370 million in Treaty of Waitangi settlements to Tainui and Ngāi Tahu.
Iwi funding model leading te reo Maori revitalisation
Waikato has started with a te reo Māori option at ATMs but that's just the beginning. Advocates says the key is to get the language out in the community, not just the main centres. Audio