Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Taranaki Maunga to become a legal personality
The eight iwi of Taranaki are one step closer to having their sacred mountain and ancestor, Taranaki Maunga, become a legal personality. Last night the Crown made a promise to iwi that they would be… Audio
Ngai Tahu puts its history on online atlas of the South Island
Holidayers travelling around the South Island or Te Waipounamu this summer will be able to map their journey using a Maori Atlas developed by Ngai Tahu. The Ngai Tahu Archives Team spent more than… Audio
Nights' Pundit - Kai-A-Miro
Te Manu Korihi news editor Shannon Haunui-Thompson joins us on Nights to look back on 2017 and ahead to 2018 from a Maori perspective. Audio
Winery apologises to iwi for carving track on Te Mata Peak
A Hawkes Bay winery has apologised to local iwi, Ngati Kahungunu, for carving a walking track on land believed to be of huge ancestral and historical importance. The iwi was so outraged to find the… Audio
Signal fire evokes outbreak of Taranaki wars
Descendents of the original Maori owner of a disputed hill in New Plymouth, have lit a bonfire on it, warning prospective developers of their continued guardianship of Moungaroa, also known as Blagdon… Audio
Golden Bay Māori, Dutch officials heal old wounds
A delegation from the Netherlands is visiting Golden Bay to commemorate with local Maori today's 375th anniversary of the arrival of Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman in the area. Audio
Hirra Morgan: a house full of music
Some say Collision's ‘You Can Dance’ is the best track on the new '70s funk and disco compilation album Heed the Call. Hirra Morgan – a former member of the Tokoroa funk band – talks with Justine… Video, Audio
Te Waonui for week ending 15 December 2017
An archaeologist has made a remarkable discovery at the site of the country's first major battlefield, Ruapekapeka and Maori children who left mainstream schooling say they became far more… Audio
What is New Zealand Music?
VUP has published a new book: Searches for Tradition: Essay on New Zealand Music, Past and Present, edited by Michael Brown and Samantha Owens. The book covers a huge range of perspectives about… Audio
'Shadows in the ground' - archaeologist describes Ruapekapeka
An archaeologist has made a remarkable discovery at the site of the country's first major battlefield, Ruapekapeka. He's found the bodies of twelve British soldiers killed in the battle, near Kawakawa… Audio
Don Brash attends Māori play 'Waiora', unmoved on RNZ kōrero
The former politician Don Brash accepted an invitation to travel to Whangarei last night to watch a play about a 1960s Maori family struggling to retain their language and values after moving to a… Audio
Amazing discovery of British soldiers' bodies at Ruapekapeka
An archaeologist has made a remarkable discovery at the site of the country's first major battlefield, Ruapekapeka. He has found the bodies of twelve British soldiers killed in the battle, near… Audio
Rangatahi share how mainstream school has failed them
Maori children who left mainstream schooling say they became far more enthusisatic about learning once they were out of an environment that struck them as racist and condescending. Katrina Lemon is a… Audio
Auckland iwi sign agreement on mana whenua
Two Auckland iwi have reached an agreement to work together on land issues in what is being seen as a slap to Hauraki-based iwi who have also been making claims in the region. Ngati Whatua Orakei and… Audio
Dennis Marsh: 'It's about people and passion'
Dennis Marsh is New Zealand's best selling country music artist. He's travelled the world for 30 years sharing his music and stories and this year released his 29th album. Te Ahi Kaa visits Dennis at… Audio
The meaning of Atamira
The deaths of two people close to members of Atamira Dance Company felt like a sign to choreographer Kelly Nash. So Kelly did her research which revealed the word 'Atamira' is historically associated… Audio, Gallery
John Cranna: taking the Creative Hub to Kaitaia
It's hard for some parts of the country to cut a break. Northland, for example, is usually in the news because of stories about poverty, ill health, violence and most recently kauri dieback. But… Audio
Bless the Child
Who killed baby Ara? It could be another headline to another news story about another child killed by a family member or step parent. Which is very much the point of Hone Kouka's new play Bless the… Audio, Gallery
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 8 December 2017
The Court of Appeal has rejected Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei's bid to stop land they say is in their rohe being given to another iwi as part of a treaty settlement; Three Gisborne iwi will now have access to… Audio
Rob Ruha: Māori music, mentorship and 'Moana'
2017 has been a massive year for self-described 'haka soul' musician Rob Ruha. In a track on his new album Survivance, Ruha pushes back against what he says is harmful misinformation about Māori… Audio