Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Tamati Kruger - Koia mārika ‒ So it is
Tāmati Kruger was educated at Victoria University in Wellington, where he also tutored in te reo Māori and was involved in the early days of the Te Reo Māori Society in the 1970s. He is the chief… Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 27 October 2017
Maori MPs are set to hold 18 ministerial portfolios in the new Labour led government - including a newly created portfolio focusing on the post-treaty settlement period; The country have commemorated… Audio
New Treaty Minister prepares to tackle Ngapuhi stand-off
Ngapuhi believe the changing of the guard at the Beehive will end what they see as stubborn government support of the Ngapuhi mandated authority Tuhoronuku. Audio
Bringing the New Zealand Wars to life
Theatre and screen director, Simon Bennett had the task of bringing the oral Stories of Ruapekapeka to life. His reconstructions of life during the wars form an important part of the documentary… Audio
Poroti springs owners lose patience in water battle
The Maori owners of Poroti springs near Whangarei have run out patience in the battle for control of their water. They've announced plans to dam the springs to restore water levels and boost eel… Audio
Commemorations for New Zealand wars this weekend
New Zealand War commemorations are being held this weekend to remember those who died and acknowledge how those battles throughout the country shaped our history. Video, Audio
Exhibition remembers NZ War casualties
The thousands of lives lost during the New Zealand Wars will be honoured in a new temporary exhibition at Te Papa.
Ria Hall on her new album Rules of Engagement
“This album encourages us as a nation to look at each other square in the eye, and open up a forum for honest dialogue.” Video, Audio
Remembering the New Zealand Wars
This weekend Aotearoa will commemorate the New Zealand Wars for the first time, with the focus on the Northern Wars where the conflicts began soon after the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The New… Audio
Kelvin Davis navigates new post-treaty settlement role
Māori MPs are set to hold 18 ministerial portfolios in the new Labour led government - including a newly created portfolio focusing on the post-treaty settlement period.
Kelvin Davis' portfolio of… Audio
Ngapuhi's final day at Waitangi Tribunal
Ngapuhi and other northern iwi are now looking to the future after nine years of research and hearings on their Treaty claims. Te Paparahi of Te Raki - the largest inquiry ever undertaken by the… Audio
New Zealand Wars commemoration sparks surge of interest
The first ever day of commemoration of the New Zealand wars is sparking renewed interest in what happened in the battles that took place almost a century and a half ago. Historians and Maori leaders… Audio
Mana Tangata: Tawhirimatea Williams
Tawhirimatea Williams has teaching for over 50 years. Today he's the head of a private training institute in Auckland, churning out competent Māori speakers. Audio
Te Papa's new artistic endeavour
Te Papa's new art gallery, Toi Art, will open next March. Two floors of the national museum will be dedicated to four exhibitions that include fashion, jewellery and abstract art. The new gallery will… Audio, Gallery
Theatre taonga Rawiri Paratene on his latest project
Rawiri Paratene is a New Zealand acting taonga who's appeared in everything from Playschool to Whalerider, Hamlet to fully Te Reo spoken Purapura-whetu. Rawiri's again, stepping out starring in the… Audio
Kermadec sanctuary plans still afloat
The Labour and Green parties have rejected reports that the proposed Kermadec Ocean marine sanctuary is dead in the water.
More te reo Māori in the mix on TV
Publicly-funded programmes incorporating te reo Māori are now airing on TVNZ, including one that stars a new MP who made his name on the small screen. Audio
Oratory, anger, laughter and tears at Ngapuhi closings
After nine years of work, and 31 weeks of hearings, there was anger, laughter and tears on the last day of the massive Waitangi Tribunal inquiry into the grievances of northern Maori. Audio
Massive Maori representation in new govt
The parties that make up the new Labour-led government have 18 Maori MPs. Te Manu Korihi reporter Shannon Haunui-Thompson looks at what Maori may gain. Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 20 October 2017
We hear from the head Judge from the 9 year long Te Paparahi O Te Raki Waitangi Tribunal hearings for northern Maori and what do Maori want and expect from the new labour led government who describe… Audio