Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Ngāpuhi claim to be kick started
Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little is meeting with Tūhoronuku and Te Kotahitanga on Friday to try and help repair negotiations to settle Ngāpuhi's treaty claim. Audio
Māori lawyer teaching te Reo in Invercargill
A Māori law graduate from Hamilton has started teaching te Reo Māori lessons at a law firm in Invercargill in a push to see the language more commonly used by lawyers. Georgia Woodward says te Reo has… Audio
Iwi wants businesses to pay to use Lake Taupō
The tribe that owns Lake Taupō wants to charge all commercial operators that use the lake. Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board chief executive Topia Rameka talks to Guyon Espiner. Video, Audio
Building on tikanga Maori
The Ngai Tuhoe meeting house Te Wharehou o Waikaremoana and its designers have won the Ted McCoy Award for Education at this year's New Zealand Architecture Awards. Kathryn Ryan talks to Hugh Tennant… Audio, Gallery
Che Wilson on the Battle of Moutoa
The history of Māori people of Whanganui is complex and during the New Zealand Land Wars included both collaboration and resistance, says Che Wilson, former Pou Arahi (CEO) of Ngāti Rangi Trust. Audio
Waru through the lens
The New Zealand feature film Waru not only required eight, often quite inexperienced, female Maori directors to each come up with a 10-minute story, but each story had to be filmed in just one shot… Audio
Te Waonui For Week Ending Friday 10 November 2017
Maori Community leaders are rejecting the idea of having foreign police officers recuited to work in their communities, Tuhoe is in the midst of developing a 40 year housing plan for their iwi and a… Audio
Māori Party plans future after Tuku Morgan quits
Tukoroirangi Morgan has stood aside as President of the Māori Party, and other members of the executive have also stepped down. The party is no longer in Parliament; losing its only electorate seat… Audio
Kelvin Day on the Taranaki Wars.
Kelvin Day talks about early commemorations of the Taranaki Wars. Audio
Mediawatch for 5 November 2017
Downsizing your daily paper; if you can't beat them, join them - TV broadcasters adapt to ondemand; more moves to get Te Reo on TV. Audio
Te Waonui a TMK for 5 November 2017
Northland has the highest percentage of Maori in the country but somehow have managed to end up with just one Maori face at a council table; The Government has been criticised once again for… Audio
Mother of three goes hard to tackle Iron Māori
A mother of three who recently gave birth to her third child will be among the two thousand people competing in the Iron Māori event this weekend. Audio
Auckland port's plans 'cynical' - Ngati Whatua
Ngati Whatua Orakei says the thirty-year plan unveiled by the city's port company is a cynical step to avert possible re-location. The council-owned Ports of Auckland outlined its plan to accommodate… Audio
Māori leaders reject govt's foreign police plan
Māori Community leaders are rejecting the idea of having foreign police officers recruited to work in their communities. Instead they are calling for more Māori liason officers to work alongside them… Audio
Universities team up to boost Māori business
From next April, Māori managing whanau, hapu and iwi businesses will be able to tap into some high level support from six New Zealand universities. The business schools at Auckland, AUT, Waikato… Audio
Board shouldn't have had mandate - Waitangi Tribunal
The Government has been criticised once again for negotiating with a Maori body that did not have the backing of one of the hapu it claimed to represent. Mihingarangi Forbes reports. Audio
Northland has just one Maori face at the council table
Two Northland councils, which are 100 per cent pakeha, have voted once again against creating Maori seats. Audio
Te Awamutu marks first commemoration of NZ Wars
Commemoration ceremonies were held this weekend for the first national day of remembrance for the New Zealand Wars. John Boynton from Te Manu Korihi headed to Te Awamutu where people recognised those… Audio
Sir Wira Gardiner on war and conflict
Sir Wira Gardiner provides insights in the Battle of Passchendaele, the Battle of Stalingrad, Māori involvement in World War I and World War II and the New Zealand Land Wars. Audio
Ian Taylor: why we should all learn about the NZ Wars
Ian Taylor is one of this country's great inventors and runs a world-leading graphics company, Animation Research Limited. Its offshoot Virtual Eye brings to life sports such as cricket, the America's… Video, Audio