Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Manawa Ora: Roses In Concrete
Ngā Rangatahi Toa is an alternative education hub at MIT in Auckland - where kids who don't fit into mainstream education are able to explore creative projects. Each year the students put on a multi… Audio
Waitangi claimants jubilant at Labour win
Labour of course won all the Maori seats so we sought some reaction. There was elation at Waitangi last night over New Zealand First's choice to go into government with Labour. Maori claimants from… Audio
Final Waitangi Tribunal hearings for Northland claim underway
The claim by Te Paparahi O Te Raki cover a range of issues from tino rangatiratanga, to te reo Maori, to socio-economic issues. Audio
Rob Ruha awarded prestigious Arts Laureate Award
Each recipient receives $50,000 to be used in any way they choose. Past winners include Taika Waititi, Chris Knox, Moana Maniapoto, Eleanor Catton and Jane Campion. Video, Audio
Fletcher rejects claims of destroying sacred Ihumātao
Construction company Fletcher is rejecting claims its housing development on Ihumatao will destroy sacred Maori land. Yesterday Pania Newton from Save Our Unique Landscape told Morning Report she… Audio
How to get more Maori and Pasifika into leading business roles
Did you know that just 17% of New Zealand's top 60 firms have an executive that identifies as non-European, and there isn't one NZX listed company with a Maori or Pasifika CEO. Audio
Last ditch effort to save Ihumatao from development
A construction company has passed its final hurdle to develop a Special Housing Area on land at Ihumatao in South Auckland. But it's not without opposition.
Heritage New Zealand granted Fletcher… Audio
Nĭ Hăo! Chinese Language week kicks off
Today marks the beginning of the third New Zealand Chinese Language Week. So it’s a good time to get a primer on some of the basics. Language teacher Chunxiao Lu has been helping RNZ presenters up… Audio
Pair at centre of Urewera terror raids seek pardon
The two men sent to prison on firearms convictions after the 2007 Tuhoe raids are seeking pardons. On the tenth anniversary of their arrests both Tame Iti and Rangikaiwhiria Kemara want to pursue a… Audio
Tuhoe Iwi: Moving on from the Urewera Raids
Te Ahi Kaa visits Taneatua in the Tuhoe Valley to get a sense of how the locals have moved since the Tuhoe Raids a decade ago. Audio
Tūhoe still carry emotional impact of raids
A decade on, the Urewera raids have had a lasting impact on the people of Tūhoe, the son of an activist says. Audio
Wairere Iti: Tuhoe raids 10 years on
Today marks 10 years since police swooped on the people of Tuhoe on a Monday morning in the Urewera raids. None of the 17 people arrested ended up facing charges under the Terrorism Suppression act… Audio
Chelsea Cohen - Waru
Chelsea Cohen, sometimes credited as Chelsea Winstanley, is a film producer of Ngati Ranginui descent. Her short films Meathead and Night Shift were both selected for the Cannes Film Festival… Audio
Maori rangatahi call for conversation about suicide
A group of Maori youth have united in calling for Kiwis to talk about mental health and suicide. Their video - Time to Talk - has been viewed more than 100,000 times, but it's the message that counts.
…Small Northland Maori forestry company hailed as model
Taitokerau Forests Limited started with a government loan 30 years ago. Now, according to economists, it's a regional development success story. Audio
Tramping battlefields brings home the reality of war
Navy officer Te Kani Te Wiata is in Belgium to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Passchendaele, where his own great-grandfather was wounded, later dying of his injuries. Video, Audio
Weaving tutor passes torch to Pākehā students
A Pukekohe weaving tutor is encouraging her Pākehā students to ensure weaving skills are kept alive.
Pukekohe weavers teach Pakeha to carry on legacy
A Pukekohe weaving tutor is encouraging her Pakeha students to ensure weaving skills are kept alive. Emily Whyte of Whariki o Te Ao has been teaching people how to make traditional Maori cloaks or… Audio
Sweet-As Academy to train young Kaitaia Māori in trades
A Far North trust that's been housing the homeless, and helping needy families into their own homes, is embarking on a new project. He Korowai Trust is starting a trades training academy in Kaitaia… Audio
Ngati Hine to be recognised as a tribe in the next census
The tribe is one of 33 new iwi groups to be included in the 2018 New Zealand census. Audio