Fillet of Beef stuffed with Walnuts & Silverbeet

11:20 am on 27 November 2017

Eight col fb2 ofb beef fillet


1 onion, chopped finely

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

½ cup fresh walnuts

10 small silver beet leaves or coloured chard

3 cloves garlic, crushed

1 egg yolk  

zest of an orange

1 fillet of beef

Seasoning – sea salt and black pepper


Remove stems from the silver beet leaves.

Place leaves in a bowl. Cover with boiling water until soft . Drain and squeeze out moisture.

Slice the stems in 2-3 strips lengthways and chop finely.

Heat extra virgin olive oil in a small frying pan. Sauté chopped onion, silver beet stems and garlic until soft.

Remove from the heat. Place in a food processor with leaves and walnuts. Pulse until combined but still chunky. Transfer to a bowl. Add egg yolk, orange zest and seasoning.

Using a sharp knife trim the fillet removing the sliver skin and any extra fat.

Cut a slit lengthways down the fillet and open out.

Fill with the stuffing. Fold the edges together. Tie with string at 10 cm intervals to retain the shape.

Rub the fillet with 2-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Heat a barbecue or griddle plate until very hot. Add the meat, turning to brown it on all sides.

Transfer to a baking dish into a hot oven - 200 Celsius for 20 – 25 minutes.

Leave to rest for 15-20 minutes before slicing.

Serve with your favourite roasted vegetables or salad. Or slice cold into a fresh ciabatta sandwich with cheeses and pear chutney.