27 Aug 2010

Solomons by-election looms after Laore death

1:13 pm on 27 August 2010

The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission is meeting today to consider a course of action after yesterday's sudden death of a newly-elected MP.

Shortlands MP, Steve Laore, died in Honiara of a reported heart attack.

The first-time MP was a member of the party of newly elected prime minister, Danny Philip, who was voted in by a slim majority of MPs.

The Commission's chairman, Sir Peter Kenilorea, indicated they will try and fill the seat as soon as possible.

"We simply take it that the seat has been vacated through death. We will have to make an arrangement to ensure that a by-election is held to fill that vacancy. Of course (as to) when, it will depend on financial availability for the Commission to act in this way."

Sir Peter Kenilorea