Director Malia Johnston's latest work Belle - A Performance of Air, being performed at the Auckland Arts Festival this month, was inspired by meeting aerial choreographer, Jenny Ritchie.
Director Malia Johnston's latest work Belle - A Performance of Air, being performed at the Auckland Arts Festival this month, was inspired by meeting aerial choreographer, Jenny Ritchie.
Director Malia Johnston's latest work Belle - A Performance of Air, being performed at the Auckland Arts Festival this month, was inspired by meeting aerial choreographer, Jenny Ritchie.
"There are so many powerful scenes which have stayed with me long after I finished it and shows how societal judgements on women have changed over time," one of the judges said.
Ngatu, siapo, aute, masi, tapa… just some of the names from across the Pacific for barkcloth which reflect the rich variety of bark used and working processes. .
We’re all familiar with the image of the Pacific woman on postcards and in tourism marketing; warm and welcoming, light-skinned, with a slim build and long wavy hair. But what happens for young women when that’s the only image perpetuated for generations?
29-year-old Jacob Geller links games to art and politics through complex narratives and a combination of game footage, film, speaking to camera and a myriad of historical imagery.
Maurice and I is an unexpectedly moving, delightful, at times harrowing look at the enduring partnership between architects Sir Miles Warren and Maurice Mahoney and the creation and saving of the iconic Christchurch Town Hall.
The late art historian Jonathan Mane Wheoki has referred to Te Tai Tokerau in the North as the crucible of Māori art. Elizabeth Mountain Ellis and many other groundbreaking modern Māori artists from this region feature in Te Ao Hurihuri - an exhibition at Whangarei's Wairau Māori Art Gallery.
As painter Claude Monet's garden and house in Giverny is to France, beloved artist and filmmaker Derek Jarman's garden and house is, in a more contemporary fashion, becoming to England.
Boris Eldagsen became the most notorious artist in the world last year, after winning an award at one of the world's biggest photography competitions with an image entirely generated by AI.
The notoriously punishing, elite world of the Moscow Bolshoi Ballet Academy is centre stage in Joika - the first-ever film collaboration between New Zealand and Poland.
Ten years ago, acclaimed potter Rick Rudd sold his house in downtown Whanganui - with its unique native and sculpture garden - to establish Quartz Museum of Studio Ceramics.
In early 2021 writer Stuart McKenzie and director Miranda Harcourt’s verbatim play Transmission opened to sell-out houses at Pōneke’s small, dynamic BATS Theatre. Fast forward three years and a sequel Transmission Beta is about to premiere. And it’s a quite different, more complex story.
Samoan-NZ writer Tusiata Avia became the target of harassment and death threats after her poem 250th anniversary of James Cook's arrival in New Zealand was labelled 'racist' by the ACT party. Her new poetry collection Big Fat Brown Bitch was partly written in response to that backlash.
Playing a prominent Māori leader on screen has prompted successful Kiwi actor Miriama McDowell to turn her back on her career in favour of learning te reo Māori.