Focus on Politics

Weekly insight into the political issues that matter from RNZ's gallery team.

Produced by RNZ Political Reporters

A minimalist design with vertical bars in blue, yellow, gray, green, red, and orange arranged in varying heights to resemble a bar chart. The title is in bold, black text below the bars.

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Wellington woes - government threatens council intervention

Wellington City Council has been under scrutiny this week, with the coalition government threatening to intervene. Last week, the capital's councilors voted to stop the sale of its 34 percent stake in the Wellington Airport. The decision has left the council's Long Term Plan in limbo - its investment plan for the next ten years. Political reporter Lillian Hanly breaks down the capital kerfuffle.
New episode
Focus on Politics: Composite of Wellington Mayor, Tory Whanau and MP Simeon Brown and Civic Square.

Winston Peters bangs drum on UN veto reform

Fresh off a trip to the United Nations General Assembly leaders' week, the foreign minister Winston Peters is defending New Zealand's support for a resolution calling for Israel to leave occupied Palestinian territories within 12 months. That decision raised some eyebrows back home, as it was out of step with our Five Eyes partners, and Act leader David Seymour believes it was a big enough change in position to warrant having a conversation at Cabinet - but that did not happen. Political editor Jo Moir sat down with Peters this week and began by asking whether he left New York this year feeling anymore hopeful for change at the United Nations.
Focus on Politics: Composite of Winston Peters with NZDF plane, NZ First Party logo and NZ flags in background

Tobacco debate getting heated at Parliament

Casey Costello is the Smokefree Minister accused of helping Big Tobacco - something she strongly denies. The pressure on her has only grown amid questions about the advice she's relied on to push through tax cuts on heated tobacco products. In Focus on Politics this week, RNZ deputy political editor Craig McCulloch lays out the latest revelations surrounding New Zealand's Smokefree strategy as overseen by the minister and NZ First MP Casey Costello.
Focus on Politics: Collage of MP Casey Costello in front of silhouette of young boy vaping and vape packaging

Interislander ferry's future adrift amid coalition indecision

In December last year the Coalition government pulled the pin on the Interislander ferry replacement project, saying it was time to get real about what had been a significant budget blowout from $700m to about $3b. More than 10 months on, Cabinet has yet to discuss what will replace the project due to coalition disagreement about the best solution, as the ageing current fleet faces maintenance difficulties. In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Editor Jo Moir examines the government's rocky relationship with its Cook Strait crossing.
Focus on Politics: Nicola Willis and Cook Straight ferries

Tough-on-crime talk becomes a numbers game

The coalition campaigned on a return to law-and-order with a hardline approach emphasising personal responsibility and a crackdown on gangs. Nearly a year in power, many of the numbers seem to be going the wrong way - but statistics on crime and policing are notoriously difficult to draw conclusions from. In this week's Focus on Politics, Deputy Political Editor Craig McCulloch assesses how the government's tough-on-crime crusade is going, and what's ahead.
Focus on Politics: Composite of Paul Goldsmith and Mongrel mob members on bikes

Not-so-super markets? Commissioner warns of slow progress

Between 2019 and 2023, groceries went up in price by more than any other common household bill. High hopes were placed on new Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden to boost competition, but he says the current tools are still not enough. In Focus on Politics this week, RNZ's Deputy Political Editor Craig McCulloch digs into the first report card from the Grocery Commissioner - and considers what is to come.
Focus on Policitics: Composite of Andrew Bayly with supermarket aisles in background.

Sovereignty debate sees major parties weighing in for first time

Tributes are flowing from across Aotearoa and around the world after Kiingi Tuuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII died early on Friday morning. Moe mai raa e te kiingi. It ends a fortnight in which the question of whether Māori ceded sovereignty - a question as old as the Treaty itself - saw the major parties in Parliament taking stronger positions in the debate than ever before.
Focus on Politics: Christopher Luxon and Tūrangawaewae Marae

Coalition positions on Treaty principles crystallise at Koroneihana

In the pouring rain and whipping winds, politicians arrived at Ngāruawāhia's Tūrangawaewae marae for te Koroneihana, the 18th anniversary of the Māori King's coronation. The typically apolitical event was instead this year full of challenges to the government and the man at the top, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.
Focus on Politics: Tūrangawaewae Marae with Christopher Luxon being welcomed in the background

Green for go for coalition's new beneficiary traffic light system

With Parliament in recess this week, the coalition used the clear air to clear the decks, rattling through a laundry list of announcements - congestion charging, genetic engineering, and two separate ministry overhauls. But the announcement the government tried hardest to highlight was its new hardline approach to welfare.
Focus on Politics: Composite of Minister Louise Upston and screenshot of Work and Income website

7AA repeal: Why ACT's policy faces heartfelt resistance

In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Lillian Hanly examines the coalition policy of repealing section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act, and the resulting backlash.
Focus on Politics: Composite of Karen Chhour, Beehive and Tino Rangatiratanga flag

Swarbrick opens up about a tense AGM and the Green dream

In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Giles Dexter speaks with Chlöe Swarbrick after the Green Party's AGM about the challenge she gave members to go through some growing pains, and the ongoing fallout of the Darleen Tana party-hopping saga.
Focus on Politics: Composite of Chlöe Swarbrick and Darleen Tana with Green party logo backdrop

Abuse in care report delivers survivors' demands for justice

In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Anneke Smith speaks to Aaron Smale and explores the initial response to New Zealand's inquiry on abuse in care.
Focus on Politics: Gary Gerbes' whānau and royal commission of inquiry abuse in state care report

Coalition's climate plan falls short of targets

In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Anneke Smith looks at why New Zealand's ability to meet its climate targets is on shaky ground.
Simon Watts with coastline and water in background

501 deportations: The thorn in the Trans-Tasman relationship returns

In this week's Focus on Politics, Political Reporter Giles Dexter looks at Australia backtracking on its commitment to New Zealand over 501 deportations.
Collage of Luxon and Albanese in front of deportee flight

"Every minute counts" in National's cancer commitment clean-up

In this week's Focus on Politics, Deputy Political Editor Craig McCulloch takes a closer look at National's broken cancer commitment - and considers how the government could put it right.
A composite graphic showing Christopher Luxon, Nicola Willis and Shane Reti against a backdrop of images related to cancer drugs and funding.

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