Hearing challenge

Audiologist Karen Allen of Bay Audiology reckons she can improve Simon's hearing with a hearing aid.

Captcha: Luis van Ahn

Luis van Ahn is one of the inventors of the 'captcha'. They're that box of squiggly letters you have to decipher and type out. Now they're being used to digitise the world's books!

Dance psychology

How the way you dance can change the way you think, and why some dancers are so much more attractive to members of the opposite sex. Dr Peter Lovatt is the principal lecturer and reader in Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire.

LEDs and future of the lightbulb

Dan Koeppel has been writing about the future of the lightbulb. With new LED technology predicted to account for nearly two-thirds of the market by 2020, we'll soon be buying bulbs that last for up to 20 years!

Birds: Shining cuckoo

We're on the hunt for the rather devious shining cuckoo with birding expert Hugh Robertson.

Smartphone checking

Tye Rattenbury works for Intel Labs in Portland, Oregon. He's studying the habit known as 'checking'; that's the repetitive and some would say obsessive checking of the device that smartphone addicts practice.