11 May 2024

As it happened: Pacific Four Series - Black Ferns beat USA 57-5

3:58 pm on 11 May 2024
New Zealand Blacks Ferns perform the haka.

New Zealand Blacks Ferns perform the haka. Photo: PHOTOSPORT

The Black Ferns kicked off their season this afternoon with the first game of the Pacific Four series in Hamilton.

They beat the USA 57-5 in the clash.

See how the game unfolded here:

Team lists

Black Ferns: Mererangi Paul, Ruby Tui, Amy du Plessis, Sylvia Brunt, Katelyn Vahaakolo, Ruahei Demant (co-capt), Maia Joseph, Layla Sae, Kennedy Simon (co-capt), Liana Mikaele Tu'u, Maama Mo'onia Vaipulu, Maiakawanakaulani Roos, Tanya Kalounivale, Georgia Ponsonby, Kate Henwood

Bench: Luka Connor, Chryss Viliko, Amy Rule, Charmaine Smith, Kaipo Olsen-Baker, Iritana Hohaia, Hannah King, Patrica Maliepo

United States: Tess Feury, Emily Henrich, Bulou Mataitoga, Eti Haungatau, Lotte Clapp, Gabby Cantorna, Olivia Ortiz, Rachel Johnson (capt), Georgie Perris-Redding, Freda Tafuna, Erica Jarrell, Hallie Taufoou, Charli Jacoby, Kathryn Treder, Hope Rogers

Bench: Paige Stathopoulos, Alivia Leatherman, Catie Benson, Jenny Kronish, Tahlia Brody, Taina Tukuafu, Atumata Hingano, Autumn Czaplicki

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