Black Sheep

The shady, controversial and sometimes downright villainous characters of NZ history. Join William Ray as he explores history through the lens of Kiwi dirtbags in NZ's most awarded podcast.

Presented and produced by William Ray

The words "Black Sheep" are displayed in a vintage font above a black sheep with a creepy red eye.

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Governor: the story of Sir George Grey (Part 1)

Season 6 / Episode 1
Sir George Grey led Aotearoa into some of the worst conflicts of the New Zealand Wars. But at the beginning of his career many saw him as a defender of indigenous rights - including some Māori! So... What happened?
George Grey photographed by Daniel Louis Mundy

Governor: the story of Sir George Grey (Part 2)

Season 6 / Episode 2
In the second of Black Sheep's two part episode on Sir George Grey, Aotearoa is launched into the worst conflicts of the New Zealand Wars and George Grey will play a leading role.
Governor George Grey

Slaver: the story of Thomas McGrath

Season 6 / Episode 3
In 1863 half the population of a small Tongan island called 'Ata boarded a ship captained by Thomas McGrath. They were never seen again. Black Sheep investigates the story of a slave raid which destroyed a small civilisation.
Thomas McGrath

Escape Artist: the story of George Wilder

Season 6 / Episode 4
George Wilder is an accidental folk hero. He never sought the spotlight, but his three escapes from prison in the 1960s and his daring evasion of the authorities made him a national sensation. Black Sheep investigates his story.
George Wilder

Killer Conductor: the story of Eric Mareo (Part 1)

Season 6 / Episode 5
Kiwis rose to their feet and cheered when the flamboyant orchestra conductor Eric Mareo was found guilty of murdering his wife in 1936. But 85 years later, the verdict seems less certain. Was justice done? Or was Mareo an innocent man? RNZ's Black Sheep podcast investigates.
A portrait of bandleader Eric Mareo who was twice convicted for the murder of his wife, Thelma.

Killer Conductor: the story of Eric Mareo (Part 2)

Season 6 / Episode 6
When flamboyant orchestra conductor Eric Mareo was convicted of murder for a second time, the judge raised grave concerns about the verdict with the Attorney General. So, did 1930s prejudice and sensationalist media sentence an innocent man to death?
Freda Stark, Thelma Mareo and Eric Mareo at a picnic

Black Sheep Season Six Trailer

Black Sheep returns for a Sixth Season!
Black Sheep logo

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