
In 1991, Peter Ellis was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the sexual abuse of more than a dozen children. What really went on at the Christchurch Civic Creche? Who can you believe?

Contains sensitive themes

Presented by Alexander Behse and Ali Jones

An illustrated portrait of Peter Ellis that looks distorted by glass. A bold 'CONVICTION' sits on top.

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Podcast details.


Alexander Behse

Presenter and Executive Producer, Monsoon Pictures International

Ali Jones

Ali Jones
Liz Garton
Tim Watkin
Executive Producer
Blair Stagpoole
Audio Engineer
Rangi Powick
Audio Engineer
Aliki Tsiantoulas

To see more images and details about Peter Ellis and the series, vist the website here.

Key Art draws inspiration from the cover page of North & South magazine, November 2015, illustrated by Henrietta Harris. Courtesy North & South magazine.

Thanks to Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision for help with some of the archival audio, as well as Mediaworks/Discovery; GettyImages/TVNZ and the LIVINGSTONE FAMILY TRUST.

A big thanks also goes out to Lynley Hood, Melanie Reid, Martin van Beynan, Alan Sampson and Ross Francis for their persistent work over the decades. And to everyone who spoke on and off the record, from the colleagues at the creche, the academics, lawyers, creche staff and families. In actual fact, anyone who assisted us in whatever shape and form.

A special thanks to Peter's extended family, Stephen, Winston & Roger, John, Rob, Annie, Philippa, and Jane.

Made in production with

Logo reads 'Monsoon Pictures'


2024 New York Festivals Radio Awards

Investigative Journalism - Gold

2024 NZ Radio & Podcast Awards

Best Documentary/Factual Talk Feature

2024 NZ Radio & Podcast Awards

Finalist - Best Podcast Producer or Team

2024 NZ Radio & Podcast Awards

Finalist - Best True Crime Podcast

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