Getting Better

What’s it like to work in a system that doesn’t do right by your own people? Trainee doctor Emma Espiner is about to find out.

Written and presented by Emma Espiner

An illustration of two hands pulling back a dark sheet to reveal a hand-shaped word cloud. Words in the cloud include "Decolonisation," "Equity," "Anti-Racism," "Māori," "Cultural Safety," "Te Tiriti o Waitangi," and others. The title "GETTING BETTER" is written in bold yellow letters at the top.

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Podcast details.


Emma Espiner

Writer and Presenter
Noelle McCarthy
Creator, Writer and Producer, Bird of Paradise Productions
John Daniell
Script Editor, Bird of Paradise Productions
Gabrielle Baker
Consulting Producer and Designer
Andre Upston
Sound Design and Mixing
Pitch Black
Kay Ellmers
Senior RNZ Commissioner
Tim Burnell
RNZ Commissioning Coordinator
Shannon Haunui-Thompson
Kurahautū Māori

Made possible by the

Logo reads "Irirangi Te Motu, NZ On Air, RNZ Innovation Fund"

Produced in partnership with

Logo reads "Bird of Paradise Productions"


2021 Voyager Media Awards

Best Narrative Podcast

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