Great Ideas

A series about the ideas that shape the world we live in, recorded in collaboration with New Zealand universities.

Hosted by Megan Whelan

A dark blue background with a golden ratio and many different shapes with a large white title in capital letters saying "Great Ideas".

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You Have to Actually Climb Trees

Season 2 / Episode 1
In the first episode of Great Ideas season 2, Megan Whelan discusses the future of leisure with three experts from AUT. Once the robots have taken all of our jobs, what will we do with all that time?
An empty swing at a children's playground

Find Your Niche

Season 2 / Episode 2
This week, Great Ideas looks at how technology might impact the work that we do, where we do it, and how we survive when we can't work.
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The Really Big Leap

Season 2 / Episode 3
This week, Great Ideas looks at the future of communication - how we'll be chatting, and what language we'll be doing it in. And could your fridge teach you te reo?
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As If Born To

Season 2 / Episode 4
Great Ideas looks at the future of families - with more single people, more multi-generational families, and a more multi-cultural New Zealand, what happens to our family law?
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The Quarter-Acre Dream Is Over

Season 2 / Episode 5
Great Ideas looks at the future of Tamaki Makaurau - its housing, its transport, its population and its health.
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We Have Eggs, Don't We?

Season 2 / Episode 6
In the final episode of this series, three experts discuss the future of food - whether we will all be eating crickets, what is a balanced meal anyway, and will turmeric save us all?
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