Voice of the Iceberg

Artist Joseph Michael and his team record the characters and sounds of icebergs in Antarctica as he prepares for a major art installation.

Hosted by Alison Ballance

Moody dark blue skies with text reading "Voice of the Iceberg" above several icebergs and choppy dark water.

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All episodes:


Episode 1
Artist Joseph Michael and a team of eight film-makers head to Antarctica on the yacht Australis, to discover and record the sights and sounds of icebergs. But before they reach the frozen continent and encounter their first bergs they must face the challenge of the notorious Drake Passage.


Episode 2
The varied sounds and characters of icebergs begin to reveal themselves to a watching team of film-makers. A small iceberg, Yoko, that fizzes and crackles like a soda drink. The dramatic demise of the soaring ice arch, Valentine.
Iceberg Valentine


Episode 3
Encounters with blue ice and wildlife prove to be life-changing adventures, when photographer Joseph Michael and his companions venture into the crevasse field of a giant glacier, to capture the blue heart of an Antarctic iceberg.
Glacier travel


Episode 4
Joseph Michael and his film-making companions come face-to-face with the heaving splendour of giant icebergs in the waters around the Antarctic Peninsula. Back in New Zealand, they grapple with how to projection map an 'urban iceberg' onto the exterior of the Auckland War Memorial Museum, and how to create a soundscape that blends music with the voices of the icebergs.
The mouth of Lincoln

Introducing: Voice of Tangaroa

Bonus episode
Coming soon to RNZ Podcasts is the new series Voice of Tangaroa, exploring the state of our oceans, and the extraordinary variety of life that calls it home. Released weekly from Thursday 29 February, you can find the episodes in the Voice of Tangaroa or Our Changing World podcast feed wherever you get your podcasts.
Stylised kelp graphic ontop of dark ocean coloured background, with 'Voice of Tangaroa' on top

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