Mr Lyttle Meets Mr Big

The Mr Big sting is a powerful tool to get criminals to confess. It got David Lyttle to confess to the murder of his mate, Brett Hall. But is it fair? Is it just? Or does it lead to false convictions?

Contains strong language and violent themes

Written and presented by Steven Price

Promotional image for the 'Mr Lyttle Meets Mr Big' podcast. A moody black and white landscape is mirrored vertically and horizontally, creating a rorschach like effect with the name of the podcast in a vibrant green overlaid.

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Podcast details.


Steven Price
Writer and Presenter
Justin Gregory
Executive Producer
Katy Gosset
Executive Producer
Tim Watkin
Executive Producer
Duncan Smith
Ebony Lamb
Music and Images
Gram Antler
Jarred Bishop
Blair Stagpoole
Audio Engineer
Phil Benge
Audio Engineer
Marc Chesterman
Audio Engineer
Rangi Powick
Audio Engineer
William Saunders
Audio Engineer
Jeremy Ansell
Audio Engineer

Supported by Michael and Suzanne and Borrin Foundation and Te Kauhanganui Tatai Ture, Faculty of Law, Victoria University of Wellington.

Made with the support of

Logo reads "Victoria University"


2024 New York Festivals Radio Awards

Narrative/Documentary - Silver

2024 NZ Radio & Podcast Awards

Finalist - Best Documentary/Talk Feature

2024 NZ Radio & Podcast Awards

Finalist - Best True Crime Podcast

2024 Voyager Media Awards

Finalist - Best Original Podcast or Series

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