Deer Wars

Back-country legends tell tales of fortunes made and friends lost. Hear from a rich cast of back country characters who fought NZ's battle with Red Deer.... sometimes by hanging out of helicopters.

Contains strong language and violent themes

Written and presented by Paul Roy

Mist shrouded bush covered hills fill the background, in front the text reads "Deer Wars" is a font reminiscent of Westerns along with a pair of crossed antlers

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All episodes:

The Last Great Adventure

Episode 1
Red deer run rampant across the high country in New Zealand, causing extensive environmental damage. A 50-year effort to control the invasive animal gets underway.
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "one" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall are two photos of deer hunters, one in a hut and the other carrying out deer carcasses

Good Keen Men

Episode 2
The elimination strategy hasn't worked. In 20 years, the cullers have shot perhaps 10% of the deer. It's time to up the ante.
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "two" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall are two photos, one of a hunter posing with his rifle outside a small tin hut, the other is of hunters supplies.

Shape Up Or Ship Out

Episode 3
Suddenly everyone wants to be a culler but who will make the cut?
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "three" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall are two photos, one of a pilot stop next to a biplane and several deer carcasses, one of a hunter carrying a deer carcass over his shoulder.

Game Changer

Episode 4
The arrival of helicopters turns the culling business on its head. Hunters shoot deer from the air and with big money to be made, venison recovery will never be the same.
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "four" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall are two photos of helicopter deer hunters, on of a crashed helicopter

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

Episode 5
Shooting from choppers is a game changer but teams are learning from scratch, working at break-neck pace in such dangerous terrain that an accident is always on the cards.
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "five" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall are two photos of helicopter deer hunters

Deer Devils

Episode 6
The mid 1960's are the golden years for aerial hunters. Venison prices are high, fuel costs low and there seems no end to the deer. But something has to change.
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "six" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall is a photo of a helicopter parked on a boat in a fjord with three other boats lashed alongside

Deer Wars

Episode 7
By the mid 70's things were about to change dramatically. The hunters had become so efficient they were shooting themselves out of a job.
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "seven" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall are three photos, one of "strop riding" dangling below a helicopter, one of a net gun and one of a man firing a net gun

Getting Away With It

Episode 8
The success of live capture and the skyrocketing prices inevitably encourage poaching.
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "eight" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall are two photos of helicopter deer hunters

Don't Dream. It's Over.

Episode 9
The era of live deer capture had an aura of glamour to it. But the reality for those involved was very different.
A timber wall reminiscent of a hunting hut has the word "nine" stamped into it like a cattle brand. On the wall is a photo of a red helicopter with a hunter aiming our the door with a rifle

Introducing Deer Wars

Deer Wars tells the story of the 50-year struggle to control New Zealand's red deer population. Lives were lost and fortunes made.
Mist shrouded bush covered hills fill the background, in front the text reads "Coming Soon" is a font reminiscent of Westerns along with a pair of crossed antlers

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