12 Sep 2022

Police not given directive to stop taking photos of adults in public - Commissioner

From Morning Report, 7:38 am on 12 September 2022

Despite a damning investigation, the police have not been directed to stop taking photos of adults in public ad hoc.

An 18-month long official inquiry, triggered by RNZ reporting, has found police have routinely and illegally been taking tens of thousands of photos of ordinary New Zealanders.

A compliance notice nine months ago ordered them to stop taking photos of teenagers and children, and they say they have.

Police also say they have deleted 6000 photos of young people or adults in custody. But that compliance notice does not cover older adults in public.

The Police Commissioner Andrew Coster spoke to reporter Phil Pennington on Friday - he does not accept where the investigation report draws the line over what is unlawful.

RNZ has asked both the Police and Privacy Commissioner for regular reports police have done on making changes and deleting photos - no reports have been provided.