3 Jun 2021

Warnings of a tradie shortage if scheme not extended

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 3 June 2021
plumbing tools.

Photo: 123RF

There are warnings of a chronic shortage of tradies if a government apprenticeship boost scheme is not extended.

Two of the major trades are calling for greater clarity around funding for apprentice electricians and plumbers. 

A range of courses including electrical engineering and plumbing has been free since the Government's $320 million dollar targetted training fund was announced a year ago.

100,000 students have enrolled in these courses.

Employers are also subsidised to take on apprentices under a separate package, which has benefited 21,000 people so far.

Both schemes are due to end next year.

Plumbing and electrical industry groups had hoped the recent Budget would provide more surety about ongoing free fees training and employer subsidies to take on apprentices - but say the outlook is unclear.

Bernie McLaughlin is the CEO for Master Electricians  and Greg Wallace is Chief Executive of Master Plumbers and Masterlink.