18 Feb 2022

War in Ukraine? Kiwi journalist Tom Mutch in Kyiv

From Nine To Noon, 9:06 am on 18 February 2022
Footage released by Moscow on 16 February 2022 shows Russian soldiers loading tanks and military equipment on to railway platforms after a drill near Ukraine.

Footage released by Moscow on 16 February 2022 shows Russian soldiers loading tanks and military equipment on to railway platforms after a drill near Ukraine. Photo: AFP

The threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to hang over the country with a war of words raging between Washington and Moscow. 

The US president Joe Biden says there's every indication Russia will invade Ukraine in the next few days.

Russia has massed more than 150,000 troops on the border with Ukraine, although it denies planning an invasion, and accuses Western leaders of hysteria.

This week Russia said some of its units were returning to base, but Washington and NATO say in fact more troops are massing. 

Lynn Freeman speaks with New Zealand freelance photo journalist Tom Mutch in Kyiv. He has written for The Times, The Telegraph, Open Democracy, and Foreign Policy magazine.