14 Aug 2018

The Panel with Lynda Hallinan and Chris Gallavin (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:03 pm on 14 August 2018

There are four businesses in New Zealand that will deliver alcohol to you at home, within in an hour. Alcohol Healthwatch says the companies need further scrutiny as their popularity increases. The watch group says this business model could see a rise in unhealthy drinking. Most New Zealanders alrady lvie within two minutes of a liquor outlet. We ask the panelists what they think of the service. Economists are split over whether Auckland's housing market will follow trends in major Australian cities like Sydney. Sydney house prices are down 5 per cent. Some say we're likely to see a correction, other believe prices decreases are unlikely any time soon. Former special economics advisor to the Reserve Bank, Michael Reddell gives us his view of the current climate. The Government's plan to plant one billion trees has been given another boost of $240 million, taking the cost to half a billion dollars over the next three years. Cabinet approved a new grants programme to get more trees planted and provide employment opportunities.The programme is expected to create around 1000 jobs. Is that good value? We ask former special economics advisor to the Reserve Bank, Michael Reddell, whether regional development should be a focus for the Government. National leader Simon Bridges is being criticised over his use of taxpayer money on limos and hotels during his tour of the country. The $113,000 bill was leaked to media. The opposition leader says he works incredibly hard and that the Government should take a leaf out of his book and spend time getting to know New Zealanders. The panelists give their opinion on the spending. A full-page ad in Otago University's student magazine newspaper Critic for an event hosted by Fluoride-Free NZ. The event is titled "Fluoride is a Neurotoxin that Reduces Children's IQs". Claims such as these have been widely debunked by leading health authorities. Following discussions in recent weeks about Don Brash not being allowed to speak at Massy University, we ask the panelists whether they think it's ok for events such as these to be advertised and hosted at a university. Councillor Penny Hulse, who chairs the environment and community committee, says this is becoming a "confidence issue" between ratepayers and the Council.