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Monday 23 October 2017 Rāhina 23 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2017

Programmes are subject to change.

  • 12:04 AM. All Night Programme

    Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 Health Check (BBC); 1:05 Te Ahi Kaa (RNZ); 2:06 My Heels are Killing Me (RNZ); 2:30 NZ Music Feature – Little Feat (RNZ); 3:05 Under the Huang Jiao Tree by Jane Carswell (1 of 12, RNZ); 3:30 Science In Action (BBC); 5:10 Witness (BBC)

  • 6:00 AM. Breakfast with Catriona Mcleod

    An early miscellany of music, stories and random thoughts (RNZ)

  • 8:00 AM. Labour Day with Colin Peacock

    Colin Peacock hosts a morning of conversation, diversion, music and reflection on the world of work for people enjoying their day off - and to help those who at work get through the day (RNZ)

  • Noon The World At Noon

    A roundup of today's news and sport

  • 12:12 PM. Matinée Idle

    Phil O'Brien and Simon Morris present an afternoon of alleged music and dubious entertainment (RNZ)

  • 5:00 PM. The World At Five

    A roundup of today's news and sport

  • 5:12 PM. Making the Grade

    British music schools run the largest instrumental exams around the world, with well over a million candidates each year taking grades from Trinity College London and the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.  Russell Finch follows an examiner and explores the reasons why these institutions are dominating music education internationally. Listen (BBC)

  • 5:40 PM. Symmetry by Stephen G Walker

    Matthew is walking across America when he discovers two dead bodies in similar places. The local sheriff suspects Matthew is involved (RNZ)

  • 6:06 PM. The Life of James K Baxter

    The New Zealand poet, James K Baxter died in Auckland on Labour weekend 1972. He was 46 years old. John O'Leary draws on the writings of Frank McKay to provide an overview of Baxter's life. (Word Pictures)

  • 7:06 PM. The Gardeners of Kabul

    The image of the Afghan as a man with a large beard cradling an AK47 may be a familiar and pervasive stereotype, but in The Gardeners of Kabul, Ali Hamedani introduces us to Afghan men wielding secateurs and watering cans. Behind the concrete blast walls in Kabul the flowers survived and gardening has helped people survive in a city where violence and terror have been features for 25 years (BBC)

  • 7:35 PM. Pick of Upbeat


  • 8:30 PM. Windows on the World

    International public radio features and documentaries

  • 9:30 PM. Insight

    An award-winning documentary programme providing comprehensive coverage of national and international current affairs (RNZ)

  • 10:00 PM. The World At Ten

    A roundup of the day's news and sport

  • 10:12 PM. World Book Club

    Harriet Gilbert hosts a special Book Club conversation about Russian writer Dostoyevsky's haunting classic thriller, Crime and Punishment (BBC)

  • 11:06 PM. Nashville Babylon

    Wairarapa's Mark Rogers presents a selection of old and new music - the very best in, Americana and blues (Arrow FM)

Next day - Tue 24

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