Crimes NZ

Dig into the biggest crimes in New Zealan history with the investigators and journalists who know the cases best.

Contains violent themes.

Presented by Jesse Mulligan

A podcast cover for "Crimes NZ' with a podcast name on dark noisy background.

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All episodes:

Case #043 - A Conman Gets Conned

Season 7 / Episode 43
Emma Ferris loaned $300,000 to her boyfriend only to discover he was conning her. In this episode of Crimes NZ, Emma describes the battle for her life-savings and her future.
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Case #044 - Emma Agnew

Season 7 / Episode 44
In 2007, 20-year-old Emma Agnew put a sign up in her car advertising it for sale. A man answered the ad, but he wasn't interested in buying the car. As Stuff senior reporter Martin Van Beynan describes his intentions were far more sinister.
Contains discussions of violence
Emma Agnew

Case #045 - Taito Phillip Field

Season 7 / Episode 45
In 2009, Taito Phillip Field was convicted of bribery and corruption and sentenced to six years in prison. Lockwood Smith was an opposition MP and recalls keeping the pressure on in parliament, to ensure Field was held to account.
Mangere MP Taito Phillip Field arrives at the Auckland High Court to attend a hearing in which his legal team will fight bribery and corruption charges against him June 20, 2007 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Case #046 - The Unsolved Murder of Elsie Walker

Season 7 / Episode 46
The 1928 murder of Elsie Walker is one of New Zealand's oldest cold cases. She disappeared from the Bay of Plenty and her body was discovered by schoolboys, days later, in Auckland.
Contains discussions of violence
Elsie Grace Walker

Case #047 - Sophie Elliott

Season 7 / Episode 47
In January 2008, Gil Elliott received the worst news possible. His 22-year-old daughter Sophie had been stabbed to death. He talks to Jesse Mulligan about those moments, the horror that followed and his fight for change.
Contains discussions of violence
Episode image

Case #048 - The Abandonment of Pumpkin

Season 7 / Episode 48
It was a case that shocked the world. A 3-year-old abandoned in an Australian train station, her mother murdered in New Zealand and her father on the run in America.
Contains discussions of violence
Nai Yin Xue at Melbourne's Southern Cross station with 'Pumpkin'

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