Kīwaha - Give it a go!
A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Hosted by Shannon Haunui-Thompson and Guyon Espiner
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All episodes:
Episode 1
Episode 1
Kīwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Episode 2
Episode 2
Episode 2
Episode 2
Kīwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Episode 3
Episode 3
Episode 3
Episode 3
Kīwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Episode 4
Episode 4
Episode 4
Episode 4
Kīwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Episode 5
Episode 5
Episode 5
Episode 5
Kīwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Episode 6
Episode 6
Episode 6
Episode 6
Kiwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Maori that you can use in your everyday conversations. Produced by Shannon Haunui-Thompson and Guyon Espiner.
Episode 7
Episode 7
Episode 7
Episode 7
Kīwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Episode 8
Episode 8
Episode 8
Episode 8
Kiwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations.
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