It Takes A Village

Nine to Noon's Kathryn Ryan interviews parenting experts to help you navigate the trends, trials & tough calls of modern family life.

Hosted by Kathryn Ryan

Hand-drawn doodles on a light background. The title is written in a blue, playful font in the center. Around the title are various doodles, including children, a house, a kiwi bird, and an elderly couple. There is also a red heart, a blue car, and stars scattered around the cover.

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Tools to support teen mental health

Making sense of behaviour, building meaningful routines and de-escalating high conflict moments are all key tools parents can use when wanting to support their teens' mental health. Psychologist Andrea Temkin-Yu who has written a guide for parents wanting to work on their relationship with their teen. She is a specialist in parent-focused intervention to help young people with their mental health. An assistant professor of psychology at Weill Cornell Medicine - her book is Supporting Your Teen's Mental Health published by Oxford University Press.
New episode
Dr Andrea Temkin-Yu is a psychologist and assistant professor of psychology in Clinical Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine

What's up with our boys? Big Buddy's co-CEO shares his thoughts

Steve Sobota is the co-CEO of an organisation called Big Buddy, and has been matching boys without a dad in their life with positive male role models for nearly 25 years. We know that boys' achievement at school has been lagging behind girls, and that boys are more at risk of behavioural issues and mental health issues. So what can be done to help support boys as they grow to adulthood? Steve has some thoughts based on his near two-decades of work with the organisation.
Image of Big Buddy boys out kayaking on Manukau Harbour.

After school activities - how much is too much?

Term one of the school year is in full swing and with it the after school activities. But how much is too much? And how can parents judge that? Maggie Dent is known as the 'Queen of Commonsense Parenting' and is a former high school teacher, mother of four sons and the host of the ABC podcast Parental as Anything. Maggie says if the activity is being driven by the parent, the benefits disappear
child playing tennis

My child has a lisp: should I be worried?

Wellington speech and language therapist Christian Wright talks about children and lisps. What is a lisp, and when should a parent become concerned?
child with headphones

How early attachment impacts adult relationships

Neuroscience educator and parenting coach Nathan Wallis talks about how early attachment can impact adult relationships. He says the first 1000 days, plays a critical role in defining later outcomes for our children and for their future. Nathan features in a new Australian documentary Seen which explores the importance of personal healing for parents on parenting and its impact on child brain development.
A baby being look at by its mother

Paediatrician Leila Masson on children's health from A to Z

What's the best way to keep children healthy - and how can you help them when things go wrong? Paediatrician Dr Leila Masson has spent over 25 years working with kids considering these very issues - she specialises in nutritional and environmental medicine.
Image of Leila Masson and her book.

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