Nanogirl's Great Science Adventures

A science podcast for kids that visits schools around motu to answer their burning questions and show them the wonders of discovery.

Hosted by Dr Michelle Dickinson

A bright yellow background with polka dots, a large lightning bolt, and the title "Nanogirl's Great Science Adventures" in bold pink letters. The Nanogirl logo, a stylised flask with a character inside.

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All episodes:

What would happen if you got sucked into a black hole?

Season 2 / Episode 1
Nanogirl goes on an adventure to find out what would happen if a person got sucked into a black hole.
Nanogirl (left) with students from Cobham Intermediate and Professor David Wiltshire from the University of Canterbury (right)

What's the smartest animal?

Season 2 / Episode 2
Join Nanogirl as she takes a trip to Auckland Zoo to find out what the smartest animal is.
Missing German tourist survived on Mt Taranaki on Skittles

Can we make plastic that's better for the environment?

Season 2 / Episode 3
Nanogirl finds out if we can make plastic that's not so bad for the environment.
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Can fish talk?

Season 2 / Episode 4
Nanogirl goes in search of a conversation with some fish.
Both juvenile and adult snapper gather in the marine reserve around Goat Island near Leigh in New Zealand.

Where does electricity come from?

Season 2 / Episode 5
Hold onto your hats - Nanogirl discovers where some of our electricity comes from and it's blowing a gale.
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Why do bees buzz?

Season 2 / Episode 6
Nanogirl finds out why bees buzz.
The queen bee surrounded by bees.

How do planes fly?

Season 2 / Episode 6
Nanogirl crash lands at Whenuapai Airforce Base with Juanita and some friends from Papakura Intermediate, to find out how planes fly. Handy information for keeping her Jetvolt in the air...
A C-130 Hercules has disappeared en route to Antarctica, the Chilean air force said in a statement.

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