ICYMI is news made for kids, not their parents or people over 30. It's about the stuff you care about, the stuff that impacts your life, the stuff you don't want to miss.

Presented by Tāne Rolfe

A vibrant collage-style image with a backdrop of text from a newspaper. In the center, there is a silhouette of a broadcast tower with orange lightning bolts around it. In large, bold letters, 'ICYMI' is displayed with 'IN CASE YOU MISSED IT' below it. On the left, a boy dressed as an old-fashioned newsboy holds up a newspaper. On the right, a girl with a red bandana and a plaid shirt shouts into a megaphone.

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All episodes:

Electric Cars

Season 2 / Episode 1
Electric cars have probably been around a lot longer than you thought. This explainer looks into their history, and how it is hoped they can help reduce the impact cars have on the environment.
Title of Electric Cars across the middle of the image, surrounded by news articles ripped from newspapers on the history of cars, and images of people protesting environmental damage.


Season 2 / Episode 2
Join us for a weekly round-up of the news! Plus we learn more about algorithms. We use algorithms every day, some are as simple as tying your shoelaces, and others help power artificial intelligence chat bots.
Graphics of computer technology and the headline algorithms.


Season 2 / Episode 3
More than half a million Kiwis have dyslexia. People with dyslexia may find it harder to read, but the special way their brain works can give them strengths in other areas.
The word dyslexia across the middle of the page, and images of news articles, and several photos including Albert Einstein.

Do dogs understand us?

Season 2 / Episode 4
Dogs and people have been part of each other lives for at least 14 thousand years! But do they really know what you are saying when you tell them what a good dog they are? Listen to our explainer to find out.
The headline - Do dogs understand us, and a picture of a dog.

Anzac Day

Season 2 / Episode 5
We look at why we commemorate Anzac Day and have a closer look at one local war hero.
The words Anzac Day and images from past conflicts.


Season 2 / Episode 6
There is a lot of talk of cryptocurrency in the news lately, but what is it? Cryptocurrency is a digital alternative to traditional money. One of the most popular types of cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, which has a very mysterious origin.
The headline cryptocurrency and images relating to currency.

What's an activist?

Season 2 / Episode 7
Activists are people who speak out about things they think need to change. Activists like Greta Thunberg and Aotearoa's own Dame Whina Cooper started movements by taking a stand on issues which were important to them.
Title saying What's an activist? Images of some historic activists.


Season 2 / Episode 8
DNA holds all the genetic information which makes you you. A bit like a code or plan on how to put together the body. Find out more in our explainer.
Title saying DNA, and images relating to DNA.


Season 2 / Episode 9
Most people have experienced or seen bullying at some point, but no one should have to put up with it. We look at what it is, and some advice on what to do if you encounter it.
Title of Bullying and accompanying images.

Wood wide web

Season 2 / Episode 10
Have you heard of the wood wide web? No, not the World Wide Web, the wood wide web. It's a web of connections between trees, which help make them strong and let them warn each other of danger.
Title Wood Wide Web and images of trees and forests.


Season 2 / Episode 11
New Zealand sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, along which 80 percent of the world's tsunami strike. We find out what cause tsunamis, and what to do if one hits.
Title of tsunami and images of news article and after-effects of tsunami

How to deal with anger

Season 2 / Episode 13
Everyone feels angry sometimes, but you don't want to let anger hurt you or others. We look at some ways to deal with feelings of anger.
Title saying How to deal with anger

Carbon footprint

Season 2 / Episode 14
Many of our actions have an impact on the environment, including how much much carbon dioxide we put out into the atmosphere. Find out more about what adds to your carbon footprint and ways to reduce it.
Title Carbon Footprint

Video game addiction

Season 2 / Episode 14
Video games are hugely popular in New Zealand and around the world. Over 90 percent of homes in New Zealand have a gaming device, but too much time playing video games can cause real problems.
Title Video Game Addiction

Who invented lollies?

Season 2 / Episode 15
Lollies are hugely popular in Aotearoa. But who was the G.O.A.T. who invented them?
Episode image

What's An Ego?

Season 2 / Episode 16
Your ego is that sense of what makes you you. Your ego can help you navigate tricky situations or undermine your confidence. We look at its role and how it can help or hinder you.
Title saying "What's an ego." Images of people.


Season 2 / Episode 17
Kīngitanga, the Māori King movement, was established in 1858, and aimed to bring Māori together under a single sovereign. We look at why and how it was created.
Title of Kingitanga and images relating to Kingitanga.

Rising Sea Levels

Season 2 / Episode 18
People often talk about rising sea levels, but what does it really mean? In this week's explainer we look at what is causing sea level rise and the likely impact on all of us.
Title of Rising Sea Levels and news images.


Season 2 / Episode 19
Join us for a weekly round-up of the news! Plus in our explainer this week we look at the origins of rap music.
Title Rap and images of musicians and news articles.

Is vaping bad for you?

Season 2 / Episode 20
Vaping has been promoted as a way for people addicted to smoking cigarettes to kick the habit. But vaping's long-term health impacts are still unknown. We look at what is in some vapes, and how they are promoted.
Title of "Is vaping bad for you?" along with images of vapes and newspaper articles.

The Modern Whānau

Season 2 / Episode 21
Attitudes to what counts as a family have changed over the years, and now we know families can take many shapes and forms. This week we look at the makeup of the modern whānau.
Title of The Modern Whanau with images of newspaper articles and a station wagon car.

The Polynesian Panther Party

Season 2 / Episode 22
In the 1970s New Zealand authorities started cracking down on so-called overstayers from the Pacific Islands, leading to increasing hostility towards the Polynesian community. The Polynesian Panther Party was formed as a way to protect their community and stand up for their rights. This week we look at the creation of The Polynesian Panther Party.
The title The Polynesian Panthers Party

What is tapu and noa?

Season 2 / Episode 23
In Māori culture tapu and noa are two very important protocols or tikanga, which can guide people's behavior. We look at how they can help everyone to stay safe and healthy.
A title of "what is tapu and noa?" Images relating to Maori culture, cleaniness and friendship.

What is a national emergency?

Season 2 / Episode 24
New Zealand has its fair share of hazards, from earthquakes and floods to volcanic activity. If local emergency services can't cope the Minister for Emergency Services can declare a state of national emergency.
A title of "What is a national emergency?" Picture of a child in a hard hat, a concerned woman, and news articles.

What is social anxiety?

Season 2 / Episode 25
A lot of us can feel nervous and insecure at times, but for some people the feelings can become overwhelming. Today we look at what social anxiety is, and what you can do to support people experiencing it.
Title says "What is social anxiety?" and there are pictures of social situations and people looking anxious and uncomfortable. There are also images of news articles.


Season 2 / Episode 26
Every three years eligible voters get the chance to vote in a general election. We look at why it is important to vote, and what impact it can have.
A title of Voting and images of New Zealand parliament and news articles.

Deep Fakes

Season 2 / Episode 27
A deep fake is when video or audio is digitally changed to make it look like someone is doing or saying something they didn't. We look at what to look for to spot a deep fake.
Title of Deep fakes, and images of news articles and people.


Season 2 / Episode 28
Everyone sneezes sometimes, but do you know much about what happens when you sneeze? We look at how much of workout you get with a sneeze, how far a sneeze goes, and the world record in sneezes.
Title of Sneezing, and images of news articles and people sneezing.

The News

Season 2 / Episode 29
Join us for a weekly round-up of the news! Plus in our explainer this week we look at how the news is produced.
A title of The News and images from newspapers and tv news bulletins.

Kapa Haka

Season 2 / Episode 30
Kapa haka is a living art form. It can involve song, dance and chants, but is also so much more than just a performance. This week find out more about kapa haka.
A title of "Kapa Haka", and images of Maori culture.

News 2 Me is back with a new name!

News 2 Me is coming back, but... it's got a new name!
Episode image

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