Slice of Heaven

With record migration and a fast growing population, New Zealand is changing fast. Who is coming? Does it matter? Will we all get our Slice of Heaven?

Presented by Noelle McCarthy

A large red circle with the text 'Slice of Heaven' in the middle to look like a stamp, with further text reading 'New Zealand' 'Admit One' 'Entry Visa' 'Admit One' written around it with stars in between each phrase. Passport stamps for countries appear in text that say 'India', 'Egypt', 'Hawaii', 'China', 'Argentina' are stamped in different colours on a background that looks like a ticket or page in a passport.

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Podcast details.


Noelle McCarthy

John Daniell
Andre Upston
Audio Engineer
Justin Gregory
Executive Producer
Tim Watkin
Executive Producer

Thanks to Dave Dobbyn for the title and theme and to all the musicians who generously allowed us to use their music.

This episode used archival audio from Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision.

Produced in association with

Logo reads"Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa, Massey University, University of New Zealand"

Produced in partnership with

Logo reads "Bird of Paradise Productions"

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