Untold Pacific History

A dynamic and often provocative account of New Zealand's relationship with the Pacific.

Presented by Koroi Hawkins

The words Untold Pacific History are written in a font reminiscent of a typewriter. In the background is a murky historic photo.

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All episodes:

Waking Up to the Dawn Raids (Aotearoa)

Season 1 / Episode 1
Of the many events affecting Pasifika people in Aotearoa, the Dawn Raids story is overdue to be told.
Tigilau Ness discusses his involvement during the Dawn Raids protests in NZ

White Man's Law (Niue)

Season 1 / Episode 2
What led Commissioner Larsen, the New Zealand administrator of Niue in the 1950s, to be murdered in his bed by three locals hell-bent on justice and revenge?
Presenter, Shimpal Lelisi

Bullets on Black Saturday (Samoa)

Season 1 / Episode 3
This episode examines the fatal consequences of New Zealand's rule in Samoa, and the key events that led to the rise of Samoa's 'Mau' resistance movement.
Oscar Kightley in Samoa

The Cursed Cook Islands Hotel (Rarotonga)

Season 1 / Episode 4
This is a story of indigenous land rights gone awry, a makutu from an aggrieved family and the failed business ventures of an infamous 'haunted hotel' in Rarotonga.
Pa Ariki, reigning paramount chief of Takitimu District where the Sheraton Hotel is situated

Coup Culture (Fiji)

Season 1 / Episode 5
This episode examines how and why Indian populations were brought to Fiji, and how the inequities under the colonial government's Girmit system, created a society of instability and countless coups.
A Fijian Indian woman sits at her vibrant food stall at Suva Market

Introducing: Untold Pacific History

A dynamic & often provocative account of New Zealand's relationship with the Pacific & the broad impact it's had on New Zealand's own history & relationship with Pacific peoples in Aotearoa today.
Oscar Kightley in Samoa