20 Apr 2022

Midweek Mediawatch - Gotcha vs Google it, mate

From Mediawatch, 7:00 pm on 20 April 2022

Midweek Mediawatch - Colin Peacock talks to Karyn Hay about an Aussie politician whose ‘Google it, mate’ riposte to a reporter’s ‘gotcha’ question struck a chord recently - and the otherwise invisible (so far) Aussie election. Also: how some media seized on an off-the-cuff comment on public transport - and dumped on the Te Huia train.

The t-shirt Australia's Greens made to immortalise the leader's pushback on an election campign 'gotcha' question.

The t-shirt Australia's Greens made to immortalise the leader's pushback on an election campign 'gotcha' question. Photo: screenshot / Greens website