
Julian Wilcox presents weekly interviews with Māori throughout Aotearoa, from sports legends, to business leaders, to artists and community advocates.

Presented by Julian Wilcox

Host Julian Wilcox on a soft teal background with the title of the programme "Māpuna"

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Professor Anthony Hoete on Aotearoa's urban future

The award winning architect Professor Anthony Hoete has written a chapter in a new book, Urban Aotearoa, The Future of Our Cities, and recently the Royal Society Te Aparangi made Professor Hoete a fellow for his advancement of New Zealand and Maori architecture worldwide. He spent 30 years in London before coming home a few years ago and is now a professor of architecture at Waipapa Taumata Rau, Auckland University.
Professor Anthony Hoete

Award winning architect Nicholas Dalton

Julian Wilcox drops in to the Auckland offices of award winning Māori architect Nicholas Dalton and the company he founded, TOA.
Nicholas Dalton

Ngai Tahu academic Matthew Scobie and musical duo Aro

Ngai Tahu academic Matthew Scobie has co-written a new book with Anna Sturman from the University of Sydney, called The Economic Possibilities of Decolonisation in which they write 'the future of Aotearoa depends on how Māori engage with capitalism.' And the musical duo, Aro, featuring husband and wife Charles and Emily Looker, join Julian Wilcox in the studio to perform a track from their new album He Rakau, He Ngarara.
Ngai Tahu academic Matthew Scobie

Fran Ebbett, her path to captain an Air NZ jet

Fran Ebbett was just a schoolgirl when she started dreaming of becoming a pilot and eventually she rose through the ranks to captain an Air New Zealand passenger jet, possibly the first Māori woman to do so.
Air NZ

Māori talent alongside Booker & Pulitzer prize winners at Auckland Writers Festival

The Auckland Writers Festival starts on May 14 and its promotional push highlights a roll-call of talent from across the arts; Booker prize winner for 2023, Paul Lynch, plus generations of Māori writers from Patricia Grace to Becky Manawatu.
Screenwriter & author Michael Bennett

How 19th century leader Apihai Te Kawau shaped Auckland

A new stage production in Auckland looks at life for Ngati Whatua through the eyes of one their most prominent tupuna, Apihai Te Kawau, who signed Te Tiriti O Waitangi in March 1840.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

'Undefeated men in a defeated army' Cretan historian on the Māori Battalion

For Anzac Day Māpuna takes a look back at a special episode from 2023 when producer Tama Muru visited the Greek island of Crete to delve into the history of the battle in 1941 which pitted New Zealand, Australian and British troops against elite paratroopers from Nazi Germany.
A memorial depiction of German paratroopers invading western Crete in May 1941

Sandy Adsett: 'If I paint by the numbers it's no good'

Over the past 60 years Māoridom has produced many prominent artists and one who definitely belongs in that category is Sandy Adsett, although he prefers to see himself as a painter.
Sandy Adsett at home in Hastings with Julian Wilcox

Nathan Pohio on his first two years at Toi o Tamaki

Nathan Pohio recently finished his first two years as senior curator, Māori art at Toi o Tamaki, Auckland Art Gallery.
Episode image

Māori art pioneer Fred Graham

Mapuna visits Māori art pioneer Fred Graham at his home in Waiuku. He was part of a generation of young Māori artists who emerged after World War Two who forged a new path in contemporary art.
Julian Wilcox with Fred Graham at his home in Waiuku

Māori food sovereignty & snapper with marmite suace

On this Mapuna podcast you'll hear about Māori food sovereignty from Dr Jessica Hutchings and chef Kia Kanuta will reveal the inspiration behind snapper with marmite sauce plus kumara puree and a beef short rib with horopito and harakeke rub.
Ada head chef Kia Kanuta

A celebration of Dame Kiri Te Kanawa at 80

Earlier this month Dame Kiri Te Kanawa celebrated her 80th birthday and in this podcast you'll hear from Dame Kiri herself and singers she's mentored such as baritones Robert Wiremu and Samson Setu. The general director of NZ Opera Brad Cohen gives his insights on why Dame Kiri's voice is considered one of the greatest the world of opera has ever heard.
Dame Kiri Te Kanawa in the Bay of Islands

Whakaata Māori celebrates 20th anniversary

Mapuna looks back at 20 years of Whakaata Māori which started out in 2004 as the Māori Television Service. It's now an established and popular part of Aotearoa's media landscape will celebrate its 20th anniversary on March 28.
Exterior sign on the Maori Television building in Newmarket, Auckland.

New Kiwis coach Stacey Jones on Warriors chances for 2024

In the first episode of our new podcast we talk to New Zealand rugby league legend Stacey Jones about his dual roles as assistant coach of the Warriors and also his new role as the head coach of the Kiwis.
Episode image

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